Butlers residence End

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Glances were shared between the 4 of us before turning back to Gotoh, my eyes had managed to pick up where the coin had ended up but I'm not quite sure where the coin will end up next except for during the last coin toss.

"don't take too long you have three seconds to answer," Gotoh said impatiently, turning towards the butler holding canary.

"slit her throat after three seconds have passed" he ordered decisively. It had caught me off guard but I had managed to Calm myself down.

"Ok" the butler responded

'they get past this part even if I fail' I thought to myself

"wait, left hand!" Leorio hurriedly said

"I pick the right hand" me and Gon simultaneously replied afterward

"me, too" Kurapika joined in.

"one disqualified" Gotoh stated satisfied with the results

My eyes turned over to Leorio who was clearly irritated that he had chosen wrong, I turned my head over towards Gotoh who's eyes were devoid of any emotion other than malice. If he was acting, he was pretty damn good at it, flipping the coin up again he repeated the pattern only that he had increased in speed, my eyes struggled to keep up Gon and Kurapika just as focused as I was. His hand stopped.

"which hand," he asked once more. The three of us shared glances before nodding I had managed to see it but there would be another round if I guessed right.

"I chose your right hand," Kurapika said

"ill be choosing right as well" I added, he took a glance at me before turning his attention back on Gon.

"only one remains now" Gotoh stated, tossing the coin into the air but was stopped abruptly by Gon.

"one second!" Gon yelled out. Catching the coin that he had tossed into the air his attention now on Gon.

"what is it? If you're trying to buy time, ill kill one of your friends" Gotoh said

"Leorio I need your knife" Gon calmly announced. A look of shock came from everyone's faces.

"don't worry I won't do anything stupid" Gon reassured Leorio. He peeled off the eye pad and Leorio handed him the knife and Gon quickly cut his eye to reduce the swelling while Kurapika watched impressed with his plan.

"ok, now I can see, give me your best" Gon replied confidently. Gotoh began again tossing the coin up in the air and quickly moving the coin from one hand to another. Stopping once more he asked again.

"Which hand?" he asked

"left hand" Gon pointed replying almost immediately.

"not bad" Gotoh replied. Getting up from his seat.

"in that case..." he trailed off as two other butlers were to his side. Tossing the coin into the air there hands were nothing but a blur, yet they were completely in sync despite their speed.

I could still see.

A look of surprise came from both Kurapika and Leorio, while Gon's eyes were completely focused on the coin. Coming to a close Gotoh had repeated the words one last time.

"which hand," he asked

"the person right behind me" Gon replied with a smile even during such a life-threatening situation.

"brilliant," Gotoh said impressed towards Gon the butlers clapped their hands and the game came to a close.

"Gotoh, is Gon here yet" Killua barged in immediately after, my tense body relaxed as I let my body be absorbed by the couch. I had never been more glad to see him than now despite the number of times he had annoyed me.

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