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AKAASHI'S OVER THINKING TOO much as he cook. He can't keep calm and clear things inside his head, there's a lot of thoughts running in his mind right now. He's confused, nervous, and scared. He doesn't know what to exactly feel when he saw that framed photo of the three of them. What does that mean? Do they know Inoue since then?

Akaashi sighed and continued on what he's doing. Akaashi trusts Bokuto, whatever what kind of relationship Inoue and Bokuto has, Akaashi knows Bokuto is such a kind person to be with someone like Inoue.

I need to clear my mind...

Never in his whole life Akaashi felt that cooking is so hard, he can't focus on what he's doing just because of a single framed photo.

"Akaashi.." He heard Bokuto's voice.

Akaashi looked at the entrance of the kitchen and saw Bokuto's in casual hear, with his hair down. He looks good, with all those make up gone and just his bare face.

"I'm almost done, can you set the table?" Akaashi said.

Bokuto nodded, "Okay sure."

Bokuto started setting up the table while Akaashi prepared what he was cooking and cleaning up everything he used.

"Let's eat.."

Bokuto nods and sat across Akaashi's seat. Bokuto is smiling while looking at the meal in front of him, since it's been a while since he ate inside his penthouse. He's always eating outside, because of work.

It feels nice for him to eat home-cooked dish, specially when it's Akaashi who cooked it.

Akaashi just looked at Bokuto while he's putting food on his plate, he can't get that image out of his head. It's making him over think.

What if he changes his mind about me, when he found out that I dated one of his friend and didn't have a proper closure?

Or what if he'll support him instead of bringing me back to Inoue?

But I don't want to come back to him-I want to stay with Bokuto.

"Akaashi?" Akaashi's thoughts were stopped when he heard Bokuto calling him.


"Aren't you going to eat? The foods getting cold.." Bokuto said as he chew his food.

Akaashi nodded and smiled, "Oh..yeah, sorry. I was thinking of something for a while.."

Bokuto grinned, "Your cooking really tastes good!"

Akaashi calmed himself, he can't jump into conclusions. Bokuto never caused him harm, it's better to stay positive about this.

Because Akaashi believes, Bokuto is a very kind person.

"Really? I think it tastes normal." Akaashi said while eating what he cooked.

"Hmm..really...but it taste very good. I think Kuroo wouldn't pull this kind of taste." Bokuto said while laughing.

Akaashi just smiled, "You should appreciate Kuroo-san's cooking more, or else he wouldn't cook for you anymore."

Bokuto laughed, "Yep! But it's fine, he's also very busy. Plus, you're always here to cook for me right?" He said and smiled widely.

Akaashi's face turned red when Bokuto said that, Akaaashi immediately looked down to his food and took a spoonful of it. He was shocked, when Bokuto said those words.

Meaning, Bokuto really relies on Akaashi then?

Akaashi cleared his throat, "I guess so.."

The both of them continued eating with talking on some random things but Akaashi couldn't keep his mind focused on what Bokuto was saying. He tried his best to respond to Bokuto and avoided making him feel upset, because he's thinking of something else.

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