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AKAASHI ARRIVED HOME AND  instantly looked for Konoha, who's sitting on the couch while watching a random film on the television. Konoha glanced at Akaashi for a bit and noticed something's weird with his expressions.

"Are you okay?" He started to worry.

Akaashi dropped his bag on the table and sat on the couch, feeling so tired, "Bokuto wants to have a talk with you tomorrow.."

Konoha didn't move an inch when he heard what Konoha said to him, "What? Why?"

"Well, I told him that I'd would like to have a talk with Kuroo-san, then he told me if I'm going to have a talk with him, then he'll have to talk with you. And..I can't just refuse Bokuto.."

"Also, I'm starting to feel guilty not telling him anything..I don't want to keep him confused."

Konoha blew out a deep breath, "So? Is it okay for me to talk with him?"

Akaashi looked at Konoha with his serious expression, "What do you think? You're the one who knows basically everything, so I guess you also know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, talking with Bokuto."

Konoha chuckled, "You're making me sound like a very important person in here.."

"I'm also troubled," Akaashi continued talking.

"Why? Is something happening already?" Konoha asked Akaashi, with worry.

"No, it's just..Bokuto's won't be in the country for a week and a half. You remember what Inoue told before?" Akaashi looked down to the floor to keep his emotions calm and collected.

"That he's coming here the last week of next month, and that last week of the month is this month." Akaashi can feel shivers down to his spine, just thinking of being in contact with Inoue after 3 whole years.

"Are you afraid?" Konoha asked.

Akaashi slowly nodded, "Of course..he's coming to get me next week and Bokuto won't be here. I'm afraid on what's going to happen, is it the right decision of not leaving the country, Akinori?"

Konoha instantly sat properly and turned his body's direction fully facing Akaashi and looking so serious, "Hey. You already decided on what to do, you said you won't be running away again and that it's time to face this. Don't tell me you're getting a cold feet just by the thought of him coming back."

"And if you're afraid, just tell Bokuto about it! He's your partner, he can't be always the one understanding you. You both are in this together, you're not riding the boat alone, Akaashi. Bokuto's always there beside you."

Akaashi dropped his head down because of all the thoughts going inside his head.

"I'm so scared...I don't know what to do anymore." Akaashi mumbled under his breath.

"Try telling Bokuto about it, I'm sure he would understand. I know him Akaashi, he's not the type who'll easily disregard others.." Konoha said in a calm voice, trying to comfort Akaashi in the very best way.

"I want to tell him, I really do. But, where do I start?" Akaashi asked Konoha.

"I don't even know how we got together before, I don't have any idea how we separated. How Inoue destroyed the both of us, how would I explain everything to him if even me doesn't know anything on what's going on?" Akaashi clenched his palm into a fist and tried to remain calm as possible.

Konoha can feel himself getting hurt just by hearing Akaashi being so frustrated about the things he didn't know about.

"I am so afraid...What if he won't believe me? He doesn't also remember me you know! I can't just explain to him that we got together before and separated because of Inoue and now he's coming again so we need to get our asses ready. I can't just tell him that!"

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