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"GREAT WORK FOR TODAY!" The lady crew leader exclaimed to everyone. Everyone inside the studio, immediately clapped in glee when they finally finished the project they are all working so hard for.

"Bokuto, good job for today. Make sure to maintain a good diet and you can have your rest for two weeks until the fashion week." Shirofuku Yuko said, Bokuto's manager reminded him.

Bokuto kept his serious face and nodded. "I will, if anything urgent happens just give me a call."

"Will do, take care on your way home," Bokuto nodded at her and went inside the changing room to change his clothes into his casual ones.

His schedule were so packed these past few weeks, he was always invited at fashion weeks and always had a pictorial after. It was tiring for him, he can't even sleep properly because of it. But thankfully, it finally ended, and he can have his two weeks rest.

When he finished changing he instantly left the studio and went to the parking lot on where his car is. He got his keys and pressed the button to make it sound and opened the driver's seat door.

When he got inside he heaved a long sigh and checked the time on his phone.

18:39, he didn't eat dinner yet. But he isn't planning to have to, he just wants to go back to his penthouse and drop himself to the bed and sleep.

He's feeling so tired. But then, he knew his Mom would scold him if ever she'll know that he didn't ate for a night.

He opened his instagram and composed a message to a friend.


hey hey hey
are you in tokyo right now?

wow u didn't send it in
all caps, you fine there?
and yes i am.

yep! just tired, lost all my energy
with all this consecutive events.

lucky me, i got 3month no
work day.

yeah, i heard the series your wor-
king on, just finished. congrats!
should we watch it?

maybe tomorrow, u should
rest, u sound weird without
the enthusiasm going on

i feel like i'm talking to kenma
because of your energy

i'm hungry ( •́ ̯•̀ ) cook for me

where are you anyways? u
can just drive thru in a fast
food, i'm sure u want to blast
yourself on bed.

yeah. but mom would call later
she'll ask me for sure about dinner
and i can't lie to her.

eat with me, i'm alone ( •́ ̯•̀ )

sorry bro, i don't really know
how to deal with your emotional
side, but yeah! sure! i'll eat with


do you know a good restaurant?

good restaurant are full of people
and we can't wear caps nor masks
bc they'll thought we're criminals
we should just drive thru and eat
at your penthouse

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