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BOKUTO DROPPED THE SHOT glass on the table after drinking the alcohol contained in it. Oikawa had a private area his well-known in public friends, like Bokuto, and Lev who works as a model, Kuroo who's an actor. Kenma who's famous in gaming industry, and has his own company and some familiar faces Bokuto didn't even know who.

But Kenma left the room to find Hinata Shouyo who's with Kageyama. Kenma wants to talk with his best friend.

"Bo, look at Lev he really looks so mature looking like that." Kuroo whispered while looking at Lev who's sitting across them.

Lev just finish his final shoot of the day and went immediately to Oikawa's party, so he still has his makeup and hair done.

"Oh yeah, but I'm still handsome than him right?" Bokuto asked, while looking at Kuroo.

Kuroo winced a bit. "Yup, of course Bo. You're the best."

Bokuto immediately grinned. "I know right!"

Bokuto, Kuroo and Lev just talked about random things, while having drinks. Bokuto find it very fun, specially the loud music playing in the whole area. It's been a while since he attended a party like this, the party he's been attending are all business related.

It's not fun for him. But Oikawa and Iwaizumi's party is fun for Bokuto, talking with his friends casually and not minding work at all. It's refreshing for him.

"Oh yeah! And this guy, kept talking about this Akaashi guy to me! He won't stop! He won't stop until you compliments him too.." Kuroo ranted, while Lev was laughing because of how annoyed Kuroo's expression is.

"I'M JUST SPREADING AKAASHI'S GORGEOUSNESS!" Bokuto suddenly yelled, obviously not minding the people around.

But the other famous guests didn't even mind Bokuto, they have their own fun too.

"Who's this Akaashi you both are talking about anyway?" Lev asked while drinking a glass of liquor.

"Oh well...it's Bo's crush." Kuroo answered.

Bokuto nodded. "Yes yes, he is."

"Hence..Bokuto-san already has someone he adores?" Lev asked excitedly.

Kuroo nods multiple times. "Yep! Exactly as you said, you know this guy never opened up about his crushes before right? It's a first!"

Bokuto laughed. "Well, it really is my first time liking someone."

"Woah woah, so are you planning on dating him?" Lev curiously asked, his voice toning down low, so that only them can hear what they're going to talk about.

"Hmm, I don't think he's attracted to guys.." Bokuto concluded.

"Why so?" Kuroo immediately asked.

"He doesn't show interest in me you know, I even think he's just going along with me because he's bored." Bokuto said. When Bokuto drinks liquor he overthinks a lot, specially when the alcohol starts to kick in his system.

His whole emotion will be a ride when he gets drunk, he's totally unpredictable when he is. Kuroo don't like it when it happens, so he usually observes how many shots Bokuto can take before he gets drunk.

And what Bokuto said earlier is a sign for Kuroo for him to stop Bokuto from drinking.

"Hmmm, I think he finds me annoying? When I tell him stories about me his reactions are all moderate. He doesn't show any enthusiasm at all!" Bokuto whines.

"Maybe that's how just he is?" Kuroo says.

"Yaku is also like that at first, he even bullies me until now! He doesn't praise me at all when I do something nice, but despite all that Yaku can get very clingy." Lev showed a bright smile at Bokuto, while remembering all the things Yaku used to say to him before.

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