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"Kuroo!!" Bokuto is enthusiastic  and is literally oozing with so much energy as he approach Kuroo with a wide smile in his face.

Kuroo chuckled a bit, "What is it? I'm surprised you called me alone and told me not to bring any of our friends."

"Because! I want to talk with just you!" Bokuto exclaims.

"Alright, alright, I get it. Let's sit first.." Kuroo said trying to calm Bokuto and sit on the nearest bench he could find at the park they are at.

"So? What's up?"

Bokuto grins, "Akaashi and I started dating!!"

"Wait..really? You're dating someone now?" Kuroo can't help but to feel surprised about it because he  never really thought of Bokuto dating someone at this age.

Because he thought his life revolves around volleyball.

Bokuto nods continously, "Yes yes! Great, right?"

Kuroo nods, "Good for you man. Does Inoue knows about this?"

Bokuto shrugs, "I don't know. He's not really with us recently, he's always skipping school."

"That's a bummer, I thought he'll be the first one to know since Akaashi and him are really good friends too." Kuroo said and leaned his back on the bench.

Bokuto nodded, "Right. But he didn't show up at all in school, I hope everything's alright..."

Kuroo did not say anything, since he doesn't actually know what to say to Bokuto.

"I can't want to see Akaashi again tomorrow!" Bokuto exclaims.

Kuroo stared at Bokuto's happy face, he smiled. He can still remember how worried Bokuto was before  because nobody is willing to be friends with him, but look at him now.

He's happy. Kuroo felt like a proud friend for Bokuto.

"Congrats on your relationship Bo, should I expect less hangouts?" Kuroo joked.

"Mhm? Why?"

Kuroo chuckled, "Well..you'll be with Akaashi always after all, so I suppose our usual won't be usual anymore.."

Bokuto laughed, "That's true. But don't worry Kuroo! I'll still visit you from time to time, I won't abandon you!"

"I won't let you abandon me either, because you should also be there to listen if ever I need someone to talk to." Kuroo told Bokuto.

"Yes! You can count on me!" Bokuto grins and pat Kuroo's back multiple times.

Seeing Bokuto act like that overwhelms Kuroo, it's great seeing your friend happy and overjoyed about something. It also feels great to be considered as a special friend by someone, since Bokuto really told Kuroo first about his relationship with Akaashi.

To be honest, Kuroo had a lot of friends before but after graduating from middle school...they just disappeared. They did not bother contacting each other anymore.

It was fine for him though, since he knew that, that type of friendship won't last long. But his friendship with Bokuto, he wanted for it to last for a long time.

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