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AKAASHI HEARD RUNNING FOOTSTEPS approaching his direction, when he look up he saw Kuroo with so much worry in his face. He looks like he's scared at the same time worried.

"What happened?" Kuroo asked when he got near Akaashi.

"Inoue provoked Bokuto, I don't know what he said but I'm sure it's that bad for Bokuto to react like this.."

Akaashi glanced at the hospital bed where Bokuto is lying, still sleeping. It feels like everything that happened in the past is also happening in the present, and Akaashi's so anxious about it.

"What did the doctor say?" Kuroo asked and walked closer to the hospital bed and observed Bokuto's face.

"His brain is still under shock and that Bokuto might wake up remembering everything because of the shock that is implemented to his brain.."

Kuroo's eyes was filled with fear as he look at Akaashi, "He-He'll remember everything?"

Akaashi nods, "There's a big possibility that he well."

Kuroo's heart started pounding fast and looked at Bokuto again, "No.."

"Then all the pain? All the pain he experienced, he'll remember it?" Kuroo asked, Akaashi wasn't sure if Kuroo is talking to him or is he just asking himself.

Kuroo looked at Akaashi, "I'll stay here until Bokuto wakes up. He need support, he might panic and his emotions might be unstable once he remember everything."

Akaashi can't understand what Kuroo is saying but he wants to stay with Bokuto too.

"Kuroo-san, you mentioned before that Bokuto and I were together in an accident. But, I remembered that only I was the one who got involved in an accident, Bokuto was still in the hospital that time.." Akaashi told Kuroo.

Kuroo sat on the stool beside Bokuto's bed, "I mentioned that you two were together but I never said that the both of you were involved. You might not know it, but when you left the hospital that day, Bokuto also rushed to follow you..."

Kuroo sighed, "And he saw you...fall into an accident. Right in front of him, right after you broke up with him."

Akaashi froze in his seat while hearing those things Kuroo said to him. Bokuto saw him that day, he saw how Akaashi got ran by a freaking car.

Akaashi's hands started shaking because of fear and worry about Bokuto's state that day.

"Was he okay after that?" Akaashi took the courage to ask.

Kuroo shook his head, "Bokuto...Bokuto was never okay. He never told you anything about what he's going through but I know everything he always tell me everything...he's always thinking of you.."

"Always thinking of your safety, your wellness, your situation, everything about you. He's prioritizing you over anything else to the point that he forgot to take care of himself too...and I never knew that seeing your friend like that would hurt so bad.."

Kuroo pressed his lips together, trying to suppress his emotions because he doesn't want to say anything bad to Akaashi.

"Why did you came back Akaashi? Bokuto is okay now, he's doing well now. But you came back, you came back for what? To make his life miserable again?" Every word that escaped Kuroo's lips were calm but Akaashi knew Kuroo isn't feeling calm at all.

"I never wish for everything to end up like this, Kuroo-san.." Akaashi mumbles.

Kuroo glanced at Akaashi for a bit then returned his attention to Bokuto, "I am not blaming you about what happened because it's clearly Inoue's fault. But it just makes me so frustrated, just how much would Inoue make Bokuto suffer?"

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