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BOKUTO WAS QUIET WHILE driving to his penthouse. Bokuto didn't ask a thing about Akaashi's talk with Kenma. He's more on waiting for Akaashi to tell him willingly, there's no point of persuading Akaashi to tell him things he doesn't want to.

Bokuto himself is also confused about this Inoue guy Akaashi told him. Kuroo mentioned that the both of them knows Inoue, but no matter how hard Bokuto try to distinguish who the freak this person is. Nothing. Nothing comes into his mind.

He can't remember it at all. He doesn't recall knowing a person named Inoue, or meeting a person with a name like that.

When they arrived at Bokuto's penthouse. Bokuto removed his outdoor shoes and walked inside followed by Akaashi who did the same.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" Akaashi asks.

Bokuto faces Akaashi, "How about you? Any specific dish you want to eat?"

Akaashi shook his head, "Nothing in particular.."

Bokuto sat on the couch resting his body. Akaashi looked at Bokuto's serious face. Akaashi felt uneasy not seeing Bokuto smiling widely at him and speaking to him with enthusiasm like the usual. Did something happen?

Akaashi walks closer to Bokuto and without hesitation, he suddenly sat on Bokuto's lap without any notice. Shocking Bokuto.

Akaashi looked at Bokuto's shocked face, since he's sitting on his lap while facing Bokuto. Akaashi can clearly see, Bokuto's facial expressions.

Bokuto sat properly and held Akaashi's waist, "What is it??" He asked in a soft-tone of voice.

"Is something bothering you?" Akaashi asks and gently encircling his arms around Bokuto's neck.

"Why? You curious?" Bokuto laughed a bit.

Akaashi nodded his head, "I'm not used on seeing you not smiling, are you feeling sad?"

Bokuto leaned his head on Akaashi's shoulder while still holding his waist, "I'm not sad...I was just frustrated."

"Frustrated? Did something happen at work, that I didn't know of?"

Bokuto laughed a bit, it wasn't a cheerful one. "No nothing happen, we just had a talk with Kuroo earlier at lunch."

"You know Akaashi...ever since you mentioned that name Inoue to me. For some reason, I can't seem to forget about that name. I don't know why it was a big deal to me, but I my mind is so bothered about it and I wanted to figure out who that person is." Bokuto said slowly and in a low voice, enough for Bokuto to hear.

Akaashi placed his palms on Bokuto's back and just started patting it, "I'm sorry, did it bother you that much?"

"I asked Kuroo about it you know.."

Akaashi stopped moving and just waited for Bokuto to say something.

"He said I know that person, we know that person. I don't know what he's trying to point out, but no matter how hard I try to recall every people I met before. I haven't encounter someone named Inoue." Bokuto admitted.

"I have no friends named like that. Because if we were really friends before, I'll immediately know it the moment you mentioned that name. But, I don't."

Akaashi hugged Bokuto tighter, "I like you so much.." Akaashi whispered.

Bokuto chuckled a bit, "I also like you so so much, I knew I'm gonna like you the moment I saw you in that café."

Akaashi's face heated, "Really.."

Bokuto stomach suddenly grumbled causing Akaashi to laugh, "You hungry?"

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