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A WEEK PASSED SINCE Akaashi fainted at work, saw that picture frame inside Bokuto's penthouse and the talk he had with Konoha.

And in that one week, Akaashi spent a lot of time with Bokuto more than usually. He always stops by his penthouse to cook for him, and talk about random things.

They visited his doctor that weekend, and told him that the part of the brain where the memory are stored are the only ones affected and not the part where emotions are felt.

Akaashi's mind is already thinking about the possibility of him and Bokuto knowing each other in high-school.

Akaashi looked at Bokuto who's beside him and silently looking straight at the television screen.

They're currently at Bokuto's penthouse. It's Akaashi's day-off, and Bokuto decided to ask his manager to clean his schedule for today, just to spend time with Akaashi.

They didn't go anywhere far, the both of them are just in Bokuto's home.

Akaashi smiled to himself and just relaxed himself and leaned his head on Bokuto's broad shoulders. Bokuto was surprised when Akaashi suddenly did that, but relaxed after.

"Are you feeling sleepy?" Bokuto asked Akaashi.

Akaashi shake his head lightly on Bokuto's shoulder, "No..I was just thinking of something.."

"Is it bothering you?" Bokuto asked while snaking his arm to Akaashi's waist.

Akaashi smiled to himself, "Nope."

"Okay...you know you can tell me anything right?" Bokuto assured Akaashi.

"I know.." Akaashi mumbled and focused his attention to the television screen.

He feels so comfortable around Bokuto, just by this feeling he knew that Bokuto held a role in Akaashi's forgotten memory before. But if he did...why is he acting like they just met?

Does Bokuto know about Akaashi's memory loss? And tried to act as if they didn't know each other, to avoid putting Akaashi in danger?

Akaashi can feel his heart thumping so loud and fast, he's currently feeling nervous at the same time happy.

Nervous that what he just thought about was true, and happy that Bokuto might be really a part of Akaashi's forgotten past.

If Bokuto and Inoue knew each other, then...we probably met before right? Even if it's just once.

"Bokuto.." Akaashi called.

"Hmm?" Bokuto hummed in response.

"Why do you like me?" Akaashi randomly asked, hoping that it might trigger something in Akaashi's brain.

"Why did you ask?"

"No reason in particular, maybe I just wanna know.." Akaashi answered, patiently waiting for Bokuto's answer.

Bokuto chuckled a bit, which made Akaashi shiver because Bokuto's breath is brushing against Akaashi's ear.

"You're beautiful." Bokuto answered just as simple Akaashi thought he would.

Akaashi chuckled, "Really.."

"Yes, and uhm, you always understands me. I know how quick I change moods, but you always understand it, and don't get annoyed by it.." Bokuto honestly admitted.

Akaashi raised his head and put his chin on top of Bokuto's shoulder, their bodies still close with each other and their faces just a few inches away.

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