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[ note: so the reason why i used a random name for akaashi's ex, because i don't want to use any of the characters in haikyu and to create a foul character using their names ;c all of them are precious,,, happy holidays to everyone anyway!!!٩(ˊᗜˋ)و]


BOKUTO RAN THROUGH THE hallways of the hospital Akaashi was in, he didn't even mind all the weird look in him. He looks like a suspicious person because of his mask and cap but he didn't care, his priority right now is to see Akaashi.

Room 63B. It was said he's on the fourth floor and it wasn't so long before Bokuto arrived there, and immediately rushed to find Akaashi's room.

When he found it, he calmed himself outside before knocking and coming in. Inside, he saw Konoha sitting on the couch inside the private room Akaashi is in, and was on his phone.

On the hospital bed, he saw Akaashi sleeping peacefully.

"What happened?" Bokuto asked Konoha, removing his cap and mask and placing them on the table.

Bokuto sat on another couch, "He passed out due to anxiety attack." Konoha answered.

Bokuto can feel his heart throbbed, "Did he wake up earlier?"

"Yeah, the nurse said he woke up 2 hours ago and he's panicking, so they put him up to sleep again since he's not calming down earlier. He's suppose to wake up anytime now.."

Bokuto sighed, "What the hell happened...he was fine earlier, did something happen to him at work?"

"Don't worry, Akaashi usually has this kind of attacks, but this time I didn't thought he would faint. Did something happen earlier that might trigger this attack?" Konoha asked, and put his phone on top of his lap focusing his attention to what Bokuto will say.

Bokuto started remembering that happened earlier that might cause why Akaashi is acting weird when they arrive at work.

"Oh, he said he received a random call earlier saying his friend-which is you, is in danger. He look pale for a moment and lookef troubled but said to me it was fine, he was just shocked for a moment and worried."

Konoha looked at Akaashi, "A call...huh?" Probably from that person.

"Okay, I'll go now since you're here already. Once he wakes up call the nurse and they'll let him take some medication and few reminders and tests to see if the reason of fainting is high-risk or not...,"

Bokuto nodded, "How long will he be staying in here?"

"I don't know, I'm not a doctor." Konoha answered with sarcasm, "Anyway, just tell Akaashi to call me when he'll come home so I can prepare anything in case of emergency."

Bokuto nods, "Okay, I'll tell him."

Konoha stood up and grabbed his bag, "Alright then, I'll go, take care of him."

Konoha left the room and Bokuto was left inside, he was looking at Akaashi's peaceful face at the distance. Almost not believing that he actually panicked earlier, since Akaashi's not the type of person to panic and act like that.

It seems like there's a lot of things Bokuto need to know about Akaashi before finally being in the same page as him.

Bokuto looked at the clock on the wall, it's already 5:47P.M, it's too bad that he didn't got out of his work earlier and see Akaashi woke up, maybe he can make him calm down earlier..

"Bokuto?" Bokuto's attention immediately focused on the soft voice that called his name, it was Akaashi.

His eyes were drowsy, "Akaashi!"

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