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[ note: happy new year everyone! i don't know if it's already 2021 in your area but it's already 2021 in here! ヾ(o˃‿˂o)シ i wish y'all will have a wonderful year this 2021~ ]


"WHERE SHOULD WE EAT dinner?" Bokuto asked while brushing his hair down to wear a cap. It's already 7PM meaning they are about to leave the hospital.

Bokuto spend the whole 2 hours sleeping and resting while cuddling with Akaashi. While Akaashi was browsing on his phone watching some random videos in YouTube for entertainment while waiting for time to pass.

Akaashi glanced at Bokuto, "I don't want to go to restaurant for today.."

"Then, my penthouse?" Bokuto suggested, while still facing the mirror inside the comfort room and fixing his hair.

Akaashi laughs, "Okay, I'll cook for you then. Is there something you want ro particularly?"

"Anything's fine, I don't have stocks inside my pad. Do you want to buy groceries with me?" Bokuto asked, and wore his cap and stepped out the comfort room.

Akaashi smiled, "Okay."

Bokuto wore his mask and Akaashi grabbed his things and they stormed out the hospital room. Since it's already night, and the visiting hours are also over, there are no random people inside. Mostly, patients are roaming around, or nurses.

While walking two nurses suddenly approached them and Bokuto looked down of them because of the height difference. Bokuto then remembered, they were the nurses earlier that uncovered his identity because he forgot to remove his make up and fix his hair.

"Y-You're Bokuto Koutarou-senpai right?" One of them asked in a low tone of voice, probably being careful that others might hear them and cause a commotion.

Bokuto shook his head, and cleared his throat to adjust his voice. "I'm not."

"Your..Your eyes! Your eyes are golden and round, I know those eyes. It's you right? Bokuto-senpai!" The other one said this time.

Bokuto glanced at Akaashi who's just looking at them with no reaction.

Bokuto sighed, "Can you keep this a secret-"

"Excuse me, miss. Sorry to break your hopes but he isn't Bokuto Koutarou, he's my boyfriend. Do you think the Bokuto Koutarou would date someone like me?" Akaashi asks them, with a straight face without even flinching a bit.

Bokuto pouted, Of course I would. He answered Akaashi's question inside his head.

The nurses looked at Bokuto, "Oh...we're sorry." They bowed in front of them as a form of respect before vanishing out from their sight.

Bokuto and Akaashi continued walking until they reached the basement parking lot where Bokuto's car is parked. They entered the car and Bokuto instantly removed his mask and cap and breathed out heavily.

"How did they figure you out?" Akaashi asked while adjusting his seat belt to wear.

Bokuto snickered, "Well, earlier they were with the doctor that asked you a lot of questions. And they somehow figured out who I am because I forgot to fix my hair and remove my make up, and I was just wearing a mask earlier. I guess it was too obvious."

"You should be more careful.." Akaashi says.

Bokuto started the engine, "Yeah, but when it comes to you I always don't think straight and just act without thinking."

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