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"SO? YOU TWO ARE are going out?" It was Kenma who said that. He's wearing a beanie, a thick coat and gloves. It's probably winter, because of the visible smoke his breath is making.

Akaashi nodded slightly, "Mhm.."

Kenma sniffed a bit because of the cold, "And the villain?"

"I don't know how to tell him about it yet.." Akaashi replied, while crossing his arms on his chest. Trying to warm up both his palms under his gloves.

"Just tell him, tell him how you really feel." Kenma simply said, making Akaashi chuckle.

"Big words coming from you, who's inlove with Kuroo-san for a long time but can't tell him because he just got together with Tsukishima." Akaashi scoffed at Kenma, making Kenma sighed.

"It's not a big deal."

Akaashi chuckled, "Sure, Kenma."

Akaashi opened his eyes, sunlight from his window welcoming his vision. Even though it's nearing winter already in their country, for some reason Akaashi's sweating so much on his bed.

What was that? He thought to himself.

He can't figure out what was that dream all about. Was that from his memory? He's talking with Kenma. Who's that guy Kenma is pertaining to that Akaashi is going out with?

And what does he mean by villain? Is it Bokuto? Or Inoue?

Akaashi got out of bed and did his morning routine. His mind is thinking a lot of things right now, he can't believe after 4 long years, he remembered something again. After that long years, he remembered a glimpse of continuation of his life before.

"Keiji? You alright?" Konoha suddenly asked Akaashi who's sitting on the living room just staring blankly at something.

"Y..Yeah," He stuttered.

When the door bell made noise, Konoha turned to the door before looking at Akaashi.

"Bokuto's here.." Konoha tells Akaashi.

Akaashi stood up, "Yeah."

"Tell me if something goes wrong okay? Just tell me everything." Konoha said with a gentle smile on his face, he can't help but to feel so worried for Akaashi.

Akaashi nods, "I will."

Akaashi walked to the door and the time he opened it Bokuto's smiling face greeted his vision. He smiled back at Bokuto.

Bokuto leaned in for a kiss, and Akaashi just accepted it wholeheartedly. He closed his eyes and felt Bokuto's lips brushed against his, shortly.

"Goodmorning, do you want any specific place to eat?" Bokuto asked, Akaashi wile draping his arms to Akaashi's shoulder as they walk to his car.

Akaashi shook his head, "Nope. It's up to you, the same as usual. Crowd less but delicious food."

Bokuto laughs and nodded at Akaashi, "Sure."

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