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WHEN LUNCH CAME AKAASHI and Bokuto ate in their company's cafeteria. Bokuto is still trying to act tough against Akaashi, he doesn't want to look soft towards him. Akaashi on the other hand, can't help but to find Bokuto so cute because of what he's currently doing.

Akaashi raised his head to look at Bokuto who's frowning with a pout. Akaashi suppressed his laugh and cleared his throat.

"Are you still unhappy about what I said earlier?" Akaashi asks Bokuto while starting to eat his food.

Bokuto nods, "I don't understand why you would deny it. Yuko's trustworthy, and she'll understand us, I'm sure of that.."

Akaashi smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm just being cautious.."

"Cautious with who? Yuko? She's not a dangerous person...everyone at work too..they're not dangerous," Bokuto justifies.

Not them. Akaashi smiled at Bokuto, "Can we just hide it for the meantime? I'll tell you the reason as soon as I can.."

Bokuto glanced at Akaashi and started eating too, "If that's what you want..then okay. I already saw this coming since i'm a public figure, I already expected that you would suggest to keep our relationship private."

"Only for a short time, is it okay with you?" Akaashi asks Bokuto in a soft manner of voice.

Bokuto nodded, "Yeah sure. Whatever you say, I'll just go with it.."

Akaashi was relieved, that Bokuto is so understanding and always favors Akaashi's decision even though it's sometimes selfish of Akaashi to decide things like that.

And Bokuto didn't even bother to ask Akaashi why he'd decide that thing. It feels like Akaashi's being pampered with Bokuto.

"Are you not going to ask for explanation, on why would I would decide to keep it private?" Akaashi curiously asked.

Bokuto smiled, "You told me, you'll tell me the reason as soon as you can. I'll just wait."

"Thank-you, for always understanding me." Akaashi says.

Bokuto's face flushed when Akaashi thanked him, making Akaashi chuckled because of his reaction.

"Of course! That's what partners do right?" Bokuto proudly answered, with his face still red.

"Oh, there's something I want to ask you...is it okay?"

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Can I speak with Kuroo-san?" Akaashi asks Bokuto, and looked at him observing his reaction on what he just said.

Bokuto glanced at Akaashi for a bit, and went back on eating, "Why?"

"I have matters to discuss with him, is it okay? You can come too, if you want. If you're uncomfortable with it.." Akaashi stated.

"What matters?" Bokuto curiously asked, "Does he knows some matters that I don't know about?"

Akaashi pressed his lips together, getting nervous because of Bokuto's way of speaking. "Uhm..yeah?"

Bokuto nodded, and showed Akaashi a toothy grin before saying; "Then can I speak with Konoha too?"

Akaashi stopped eating and just looked at Bokuto with shock in his face. He can't believe what just Bokuto wanted to do. A talk with Konoha? But why? Is there something Bokuto wants to know about Akaashi, that he really need to have a talk with Konoha?

"Why? You can just talk with me..." Akaashi said nervously.

"Oh, then you can just have a talk with me too..no need to bring Kuroo into this." Bokuto calmly said.

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