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"IS EVERYTHING OKAY NOW?" Bokuto asked while fixing his hair and looking on the mirror to check himself.

Earlier, the doctors ran some checks on him to ensure that everything is alright and he's now ready to head home.

Akaashi looks at Bokuto's mother who just came inside the room, after talking to the doctors who examined Bokuto.

She smiled and nodded, "Yes. We can go home now."

Bokuto smiled with that, "Great!"

Bokuto's mother approached Bokuto and embrace her son tightly. Trying to relay a message to Bokuto by her embrace.

Bokuto smiled and caressed his mother's head, "I'll take care of myself Mom."

"I hope I won't receive a call from Tetsurou telling that you're in danger, again." His mother mumbles.

Bokuto chuckled and held his mother's shoulder from both sides, "I'll be okay. I assure you, so don't stress out yourself that much okay?"

"Visit our house if you have time, bring Keiji-kun too." His mother moved away from Bokuto and bowed a little to Akaashi.

"Please, take care of each other." She reminds the both of them.

Akaashi smiled at Bokuto's mother, "We will."

The three of them left the hospital and went on separate ways back home.

Akaashi is happy that Bokuto's finally okay and well. Also, now that both their memories are back, they no more questions everything that occurred before and now.

But there is one and only thing that is keeping Akaashi from peace in his mind.

Why did Inoue go that far?

They have always been friends since in elementary. Akaashi knew about Inoue's struggles, and he did not expect him to fall that deep.

Inoue was kind. Akaashi thought before that he's a pushover type of person, since he's always doing what he's told when they were young. But he was wrong.

He's clearly not a pushover. He's different now, totally different.

"What are you thinking about?" Bokuto suddenly asked Akaashi.

Akaashi went back to reality and looked at Bokuto who's focused on driving.

"Oh..I was just thinking about why Inoue went that far.." Akaashi admits, he doesn't want to say that he's thinking about nothing.

Since the both of them said to each other that they're going to do things together, now. Akaashi thinks that he must prevent himself from keeping things from Bokuto.

Bokuto glanced at Akaashi for a bit, "It must have been hard for him."

"What do you mean?"

"When we're in high-school, and when I first saw Inoue. I thought that he's really an unpredictable person, because he always does what he wants. Even though it's dangerous." Bokuto said in a low voice.

"And I heard from Konoha before that, their household had always been in a complicated situation. I thought that, that situation affected him, both mentally and emotionally."

Akaashi went silent. He knew that Inoue's family is in a very complicated situation, but he did not know any details of how complicated it is.

Inoue always avoids talking about his family.

Akaashi only knew a little about it when Inoue sometimes overshare some information about him, but other than that.. nothing.

"It surely affected him, but he didn't have to do that to us. We did not do anything wrong to him." Akaashi says.

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