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AKAASHI WAS NERVOUS THE entire ride way home. Bokuto's bee awfully quiet, he didn't asked Akaashi how his day went, like usual. He's just sitting on the driver's seat, and silently driving on their way to his penthouse.

What is he thinking about?

Bokuto glanced at Akaashi for a bit and saw how fidgety he was, obviously nervous. Bokuto smiled a little, and returned his focus to the road.

"Akaashi.." He called.

Akaashi instant turned to Bokuto's direction, "Yes?"

"Don't think too much, we'll talk later. Okay?" Bokuto said in a very gentle manner, that made Akaashi calm because of the how soothing Bokuto's voice is.

"Okay. Can I stay over, tonight?" Akaashi asked.

"Of course, do you want to watch some films after we talk?" Bokuto suggested.

Akaashi finally got his smile back, "Sure."

Akaashi doesn't know what's currently inside Bokuto's mind right now, because surprisingly Bokuto's not showing any signs of emotions in his face. That made Akaashi nervous earlier, but then Bokuto smiled at him and talked to hin gently, he suddenly felt calm.

But, Akaashi knew that Bokuto won't do or say something bad against him. He's just that type of person, he's also like a big baby. He likes attention, he often have mood swings and always unpredictable but always chaotic. He's a very bright person.

Like a star? Like a star.

It didn't took long for them to arrive at Bokuto's penthouse. Bokuto still remained quiet, it seems like he's in very deep thought.

Akaashi went to the kitchen to check the ingredients left inside Bokuto's fridge.

"Bokuto! The fridge's empty again," Akaashi said loudly for Bokuto to hear.

"Let's order then!" Bokuto responded loudly too, "What do you want to eat?"

Akaashi walked back to the living room and sat beside Bokuto who's browsing through his phone, choosing from a variety of meals.

"Mhm..this one.." Akaashi said and pointed at Bokuto's phone screen.

"Okay, do you want to eat ice cream?"

Akaashi chuckled a bit, "How about you?"

"I do want it.." Bokuto said in a low voice, embarrassed maybe.

"Okay, buy some of it too..afterall you're the one who's going to pay right?" Akaashi asked Bokuto, while still laughing.

Bokuto nodded at Akaashi, and continued buying things through his phone. After ordering Bokuto placed his phone on top of the table in front of them and looked at Akaashi.

"Any movies you want to watch, in particular?" Bokuto asked, while directly looking into Akaashi's gunmetal blue eyes.


Bokuto smiled, "Sure. As long as it's not scary."

Bokuto turned the television on and let Akaashi choose the film they're going to watch.

The both of them shared a comfortable silence, before Akaashi decided to broke it and courageously asked Bokuto;

"So..how was your talk with Konoha?" Akaashi asked, his eyes focused on the television in front of them.

"It was fine, he said a lot of things to me.."

Akaashi gulped, "What things?"

Bokuto leaned his back on the couch's backrest, "Subjects like us being together and this person named Inoue who's supposed to be my old friend, I don't have any idea who he is though."

dumb baby | bokuakaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin