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Akaashi was silent the whole time as he eat across Inoue, while Inoue was telling him things that are going on in his life. Akaashi did not care, all he's thinking about is how is he going to fix this kind of situation, and return everything back to normal.

Akaashi stopped eating and looked at Inoue who's smiling in front of him, while talking.

"Inoue.." Akaashi calls.

Inoue glanced at Akaashi, "Yeah?"

"You need to stop doing this." He stated, pertaining to Inoue always threatening Akaashi to take his own life.

"Doing what?"

"You know, always calling me here and telling me that you'd end your life if I don't come. Maybe for you it's fun, but for me it's not." Akaashi admits, he heard Inoue dropped his utensils gently and stopped eating.

"Why? Am I interrupting something while you come here?" Inoue asks.

Akaashi did not even hesitate to nod as a response, "You are interrupting the way I usually do my daily routines."

"And in that routine, Bokuto is included?" Inoue asks.

"Bokuto has nothing to do with this, you're the problem Inoue. Stop doing this thing, if you want me to come you can just properly ask me. Stop threatening me that you'll end your life, it's not funny."

Inoue stopped what he was doing and stared at hid plate, placed in front of him. Akaashi can't figure out what he's currently thinking, nor read the expressions plastered in his face.

"Why are you letting yourself be manipulated by Bokuto?" Inoue asked Akaashi.

Akaashi was even more confused, "What are you saying?"

"Bokuto is clearly manipulating you to avoid me, did you not notice? You started to drift away from me ever since you met Bokuto!" Inoue started spurting out absolute nonsense.

"What? Are you out of your mind?" Akaashi asked.

"No, think carefully! You are not like this before! You're always by my side before, and you always follow what I say! But now...now that you're with Bokuto, you started to rebel from me!"

"I am not your property, Inoue! You can't just treat me like an object." Akaashi was furious, just by hearing all those things coming from Inoue.

"No! You're mine Akaashi, you're mine to begin with. But you are starting to drift away from me! You're supposed to listen to everything I say-"

Akaashi stood up causing a loud noise coming from his chair, and stopping Inoue from what he was rumbling about.

"Let's not see each other for a while," Akaashi said and looked down to meet Inoue's eyes.

He was clearly surprised with what Akaashi just said, "What? Do you not care for me anymore? What if I die?"

Akaashi took a deep breath, "Let's take a break from all of this Inoue. Please don't contact me anymore."

"Akaashi, you can't do this to me. I'll really kill myself this time if you do this!" Inoue started to panic.

"Inoue, you're my friend and I really care for you. But, I can't let you destroy my relationship with anyone for your own benefit. Please, stop this. Just contact me if you're already fine," Akaashi said.

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