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Dumb Baby finally ended! Thank you guys so much for all your support along the way! Specially for those people who are very active and interacts throughout the book!

I really appreciate everyone!

I did not thought that the readers would like this story, since the plot is kinda messy and heavy. So I was surprised to know that a lot of you actually took a liking at this book.

I'm still trying to improve my writing, and avoiding things such as writing super long paragraphs ~(˘▾˘~) I bet it's tiring to read such long paragraphs.

So I tried my best to minimize it.

Also, for those who are wondering why the title of the book is Dumb Baby where it doesn't actually fit the story...

...I don't know too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I just picked it because I thought it was okay.

I've been brainstorming on how can I put a connection with the title to the story, like making Akaashi say that Bokuto is such a baby but nothing comes into my mind after that.

Another thing...Yuko's role..

She's actually supposed to be someone who's also obsessed with Bokuto who also have some issues. But guess what..

I got lazy (v^_^)v

So I abandoned the idea :3

and I can't believe some of you actually started to like Inoue ( ¯◡¯ ) I'm quite worried...


i accidentally deleted the after story (1/2)

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