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BOKUTO EATING BREAKFAST WITH Akaashi became a routine for him. It's been 6 days since they met and Bokuto and Akaashi still continued on hitting the gym early in the morning and eat breakfast after.

Bokuto sure loves to talk a lot. Akaashi learned a lot of things about him, while Akaashi remained his guards up and avoid talking too much about himself.

"Thank you for today, Akaashi. Let's meet again tomorrow?" Bokuto asked as they stood up when finishing their breakfast.

Akaashi looked at Bokuto, trying to read him. But it's impossible for him to analyze Bokuto. Sometimes he's in a very good shape, sometime he emotional, sometimes he gets discouraged easily, and even sometimes act like a baby.

"Sure..." Akaashi paused and averted his eyes. "...Bokuto," he mumbled his name.

"You dropped the - san, is our friendship improving now? 'kaashi?" Bokuto teased Akaashi while grinning behind his mask.

Akaashi remained calm. "Whatever, you say.. Bokuto."

Akaashi looked at the time in his wrist watch and realized it's already past 10am. Akaashi sighed, he sure had a great time listening to Bokuto talk about his achievements, and his volleyball journey.

"I'll go now.." Akaashi said.

Bokuto turned at Akaashi when they reach the cafeteria's parking lot. "I'll drive you home."

Akaashi was flustered when Bokuto said that, he usually just commute on the way home when they finished eating breakfast. But today...Bokuto insisted on driving him home.

"It's okay Bokuto-sa..I mean, Bokuto." Akaashi said, it's too embarrassing for him to let Bokuto drive him home and Konoha is probably there too.

Bokuto smiled widely, even if Akaashi doesn't see it because of the mask he can still feel that Bokuto is showing his smile again.

"It's fine with me, and I want to drive you home.." Bokuto said while scratching the back of his head.

And want to stay with you a little bit longer.. Bokuto wanted to say, but that would make Akaashi uncomfortable.

Akaashi stared at Bokuto for a while trying to figure him out, but he just can't. "Okay." He gave up.

Bokuto let out a little laugh. "I knew you'd agree, you can't resist me 'kaashi."

"Sure, Bokuto." Akaashi just replied as he entered Bokuto's car and of course Bokuto opened the door for him.

Bokuto is humming some random tune as he enter his car, Akaashi is just staring outside the window while hearing Bokuto's hum. When Bokuto started the engine he immediately maneuver the car away from the cafeteria.

"Where do you want to eat tomorrow for breakfast?" Bokuto casually asked.

"Anywhere you want, Bokuto. As long as it's safe for you." Akaashi mumbled an answer while still staring outside the window.

"Hmm? I know a lot of crowd less cafés but has good food." Bokuto tells Akaashi.

"Okay, I'm looking forward for you to take me to all of them." Akaashi said carelessly without even thinking.

Bokuto's driving speed slowed, and Akaashi just realized what he just said. "Ah.." He sighed.

"So you want to continue having breakfast with me Akaashi? Taking you to all of them might take 2 years, is it okay.." Bokuto joked and laughed a little as he lean his elbow on his car's door and leaned his head the back of his hand while still driving.

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