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AKAASHI WAS STILL SPACING out after that sudden memory recall days ago. He can't believe what just happened, did he just remembered a small portion of his memories? What the..

"Akaashi, I'm sorry I really talked to Yuko and asked her if I can bring you with me but she said that you'll be needed to work and I can't just skip the fashion week.." Bokuto's sulking once again, ever since he heard from Yuko that he can't bring Akaashi with him.

"I already talked to Kuroo, and Yukie. Don't worry, you can stay here inside my penthouse and I'll ask Kuroo to visit you from time to time also Yukie."

Akaashi looked down, "Do you really need to go?"

Bokuto glanced at Akaashi as he zip his small-sized luggage close, "You don't want me to go?"

Akaashi's face flushed and nodded a little, "Yeah."

Bokuto walked closer to Akaashi who's sitting on the bed, just watching him pack his essential things.

Bokuto crouched in front of Akaashi and held both of his hands, "I'll call Yuko once again. I don't want to leave you all alone here either."

"But I need to work here, I don't think Yuko-san will let me continue working in the crew once I skip for a week and a half." Akaashi said.

"You said to me before that you started working because of financial problems right? Why don't you just quit? I can provide for the both of us anyway."

Akaashi chuckled, "And be a freeloader? Also about that, I actually started working so that Inoue won't be able to find me easily, since he knew I don't like taking pictures with people involved in it anymore."

Bokuto grinned, "But I'm an exemption right?"

"Right," Akaashi smiled.

"But as what I was talking earlier, you should just quiet from the company. You're financially stable right? From the photographs you were selling before?" Bokuto asked, remembering the way how Akaashi gained his income.

"Well yeah..but working with you is really fun. I don't think I can just leave," Akaashi said in a low voice.

Bokuto chuckled and pats Akaashi's head, "I'll find a way to keep you safe, don't worry."

Bokuto stood up and got his phone to call Kuroo.


"Hey, Bo. What's up?"

Bokuto sat beside Akaashi while talking to Kuroo on the phone, "About the reunion we discussed before, can we cancel it?"

"Mhm? Why?"

"I have a bad feeling about it, I think we should cancel it afterall." Bokuto explained.

Kuroo chuckled, "Okay. I'll tell the ones who are already invited that it's cancelled."

"Also, today's your flight right?"

"Yeah. I asked Yuko if I can bring Akaashi with me but she said I can't, so can I ask you to keep an eye on Akaashi? Since you're back at work right?"

"Yeah! Sure, no problem. I'll ask Yukie to be on Akaashi's side always since I think I'll be very busy," Kuroo said while laughing.

"Thanks, Kuroo."

Kuroo chuckled, "No need to thank me. I'll do what I can, while you're away."

The call ended and Bokuto felt relieved that Kuroo will be there to help him always.

"What do you mean by reunion?" Akaashi curiously asked when he overheard their conversation.

Bokuto turned to Akaashi, "Oh that..right. I haven't told you about it yet since it's supposed to be a surprise. But I cancelled it, I think it's a bad idea."

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