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AKAASHI DECIDED TO TRUST Bokuto with his decision of not leaving the country. He doesn't know Bokuto that well yet, but he knows Bokuto is a kind person and if he gives it time, he'll surely give what Bokuto wanted from him. It'll take time, Akaashi knows it but Bokuto said he's willing to wait.

The both of them are now leaving the company and is now headed for the basement parking lot, where Bokuto parked his car. The both of them decided to eat their lunch together, and go to the cinemas after.

"Akaashi," Bokuto called when they got inside the elevator.

Akaashi turned to Bokuto, "What is it?"

"What if I get jealous?" Bokuto asked Akaashi what's bugging him since their talk inside his private room.

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"What if I get jealous of someone, perchance. Do I have the...uh-right to get jealous? Since the both of us aren't really together yet. I don't know if I can get jealous or what." Bokuto asked.

Akaashi smiled, "Yeah, you can. It's not about the right, I even get jealous too about the smallest thing. It's fine, I'm already aware about what you feel and it's not like I'll make you feel jealous even though I know how you feel."

Bokuto laughs, "I'm a very jealous person though...you might find it annoying."

"I can manage," Akaashi laughs, if it's the jealousy problem Bokuto is worried about. Akaashi already experienced the worst, treatment he can get from it out of jealousy.

"I get jealous too, sometimes." Akaashi added.

Bokuto laughs, "I thought you don't."

"Of course, I do. People get jealous, oh and I already checked what's available on cinemas today, and picked a film. Is it okay for you?" Akaashi asked and started browsing on his phone, to let Bokuto see the film he picked.

Bokuto nods, "Yeah, as long as not a horror film. It's my first time in a cinema with you, I don't want to feel scared."

Akaashi chuckled, "Yeah, it's not a horror film. Don't worry."

When they reached the basement, the both of them started walking towards Bokuto's car. Of course, as usual, Bokuto opened his car's door for Akaashi to enter. Akaashi who's gotten used to Bokuto's gesture still can't help but to feel important.

Bokuto's way of showing his feelings through this gestures is making Akaashi feel so special and important. He is though, for Bokuto.

"I already booked a reservation in a restaurant. I want to bring you to a fancy place for once." Bokuto said.

Akaashi was shocked, "Seriously?" He asked while failing to suppress his little laughs.

"Yeah, don't you want to eat at a fancy restaurant with me? For once?" Bokuto asked, while starting the engine and maneuvering the car outside.

Akaashi relaxed himself on his seat, "Maybe, I do. But a normal one is okay, it's just lunch."

Bokuto smiled, "I thought you like fancy stuffs, you dress like one."

Akaashi wasn't even surprised that even the way he dress up, Bokuto noticed it too. "I like dressing up, I mean..if you dress up why not give it your all? What's the point of dressing up if you look not presentable in it?"

"I don't know, they just give me the clothes I need to wear. Also, I don't have a good sense of fashion. Oikawa always points out what I wear in every occasion, he's the real fashion freak." Bokuto told Akaashi.

dumb baby | bokuakaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon