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BOKUTO EXCITEDLY WOKE UP in the morning, doing his morning routine and immediately rushing to the gym where he met Akaashi. Of course, he's excited to see Akaashi again. He's starting to plan where they're going to eat this time.

Bokuto is smiling behind his mask as he enter the gym. The whole gym is already reserved for him which made him feel relieved. He bowed and greeted some staffs and immediately went inside the area where the equipments are.

He saw Akaashi sitting on the bench alone, wearing some earphones and closing his eyes while leaning his back on the wall.

Bokuto smiled and approached Akaashi. He sat beside Akaashi and poked his cheek, causing him to open his eyes.

"Akaashi.." Bokuto called calmly, Akaashi instantly looked at Bokuto's direction without moving his head.

He stared at Bokuto for a moment. "You're here.." He mumbled and removed his earphones and placed it inside his duffel bag along with his phone.

"I'm sorry, I'm kinda late." Bokuto apologised.

Akaashi shook his head. "It's fine, Bokuto-san you don't need to apologise."

"It's Bokuto. Did you wait long?" Bokuto asked.

"I just got here minutes earlier, it wasn't that bad." Akaashi answered.

Bokuto stood up and dropped his duffel bag on the bench and smiled at Akaashi. Akaashi just observed Bokuto's movements in front of him and waited for him to talk.

"Let's go, Akaashi! Let's sweat!" Bokuto cheerfully said.

Akaashi nodded a bit. "Sure." Though he wasn't sure what to say because of the words Bokuto chose earlier.

"What were you listening to earlier?" Bokuto curiously asked.

"Why? You interested?"

Bokuto laughed loudly. "Yeah."

"Empty space..." Akaashi answered. "By James Arthur."

Bokuto smiled and started on his workout routine, Akaashi observed Bokuto while doing warm ups to avoid stressing his muscles. Akaashi was staring at Bokuto's broad back the whole time while he's running in the treadmill.

He's built is really good. Akaashi thought. It's the first time he have seen a male body that's just so perfect, he's not too buff but not too skinny either. He's in perfect built.

Bokuto glanced at Akaashi just to see him staring at him. Bokuto tilted his head while still running on the treadmill.

Akaashi blinked a few times and averted his eyes away from Bokuto.

Akaashi sighed. That was weird.

"Akaashi..where did you went in High school?" Bokuto randomly asked.


"Hmm...I'm from Fukurodani, I was just curious if you originally lived here in Tokyo or in other cities." Bokuto explained.

"Oh.." Akaashi paused for a while, thinking.. "Oh, I live here in Tokyo."

Akaashi refused to tell where he went in high school. He doesn't see the need of saying it.

"Oh, did you live in that house since you were a kid?" Bokuto asked again.

Akaashi glanced at Bokuto's back again. "Yes."

Bokuto stopped asking questions and minutes later he stopped running on the treadmill and looked at Akaashi, who's sitting on the gym's floor.

Akaashi looked up, Bokuto squatted in front of him. "I'm going to guide you again." Bokuto says.

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