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"KUROO'S REALLY AGAINST ABOUT it sometimes, but later on he'll come along with me." Bokuto bursted in laugh while telling Akaashi about the things he'll do when he's off work.

Akaashi smiled at Bokuto's statement and just listened to all the stories Bokuto is telling him. "Then, if I'll start working with you do I need to expect you suddenly disappearing?" Akaashi asks.

Bokuto laughs and looked at Akaashi, "You don't need to worry.."

"And why is that?" Akaashi stared back at Bokuto.

Bokuto showed his toothy smile. "Because you'll be there always, so I don't have the reason to ditch work anymore."

Akaashi's eyes widened slowly as he look at Bokuto smiling so wide infront of him and telling him things with so much confidence.

Akaashi instantly looked away and can feel his entire face heating up, "T-That's a ridiculous reason."

"If you say so.." Bokuto frowns.

He's sad? Akaashi immediately thought of it because of the sight of Bokuto frowning infront of him.

Akaashi composed himself and looked at Bokuto again, "As I was saying..not ditching because I'm there is a ridiculous reason, we..we can ditch together."

It's like a whole sun was shown infront of Akaashi when Bokuto's face glowed up with his eyes sparkling while looking at Akaashi and his wide smile completing the scenery.

"REALLY!?" Bokuto suddenly shouted and caught some attention with the few people inside.

"Quiet!" Akaashi scolded in a low voice.

Bokuto pressed his lips together. "Oh! Sorry.."

"Let's head out now, I can already feel some people's stares." Akaashi told Bokuto as he tried to look around, and avoided to make eye contact with them.

Bokuto stood up, "Yeah! Let's do it."

Akaashi stood up from him seat and started exiting the store alongside with Bokuto, who's adjusting his cap to see the path ahead of him. When they reached outside, they immediately went inside Bokuto's car.

Bokuto breathed heavily, "That was close, I thought some costumers will recognise my voice."

"Good thing, it's already late and there are only few people inside.." Bokuto added.

Akaashi nods. "Yeah.." Akaashi looked at his wrist watch to see it's quarter to 1A.M, they spent the whole hour in that ramen shop.

"Should we head home now? Akaashi?" Bokuto asked, while starting the engine and wearing his seat belt.

Akaashi turned his head to Bokuto's direction, "Hmm? What do you think, is there a place you want to go?" Akaashi asked.

"None, really.."

"We can't stay very late, we have a meeting tomorrow to attend," Akaashi reminded Bokuto.

Bokuto smiled. "Alright, I'll drop you home first."

Akaashi chuckled a bit. "Of course, who else would drive me home anyway?"

Bokuto started driving and Akaashi leaned his head on the window while looking outside, his life is so peaceful so far and hanging out with Bokuto made his life fun. He never actually expected that, he would have fun just by hanging out with someone.

Because of what Inoue caused him, he totally forgot how to consider the time to hang out. Ever since that happened, Akaashi lived his life with fear of getting caught by that jerk again. He would do everything just to escape.

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