Chapter 39- Updated

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I use my arm which was restricted by his to elbow him in the stomach the best I could and he stumbled backwards dropping the knife.

"Please stop it Liam! Just come with me I'm not against you! I'd at least expect something like this to happen in a few more chapters! This is too soon!"

"Fuck the timing! Like you said I'm too far gone! And if I can't trust you, how can I trust anyone else?" He gritted

"You can trust me Liam" I try to assure him in a calm manner "I've been trying my best to help you from the start" his eyes well up with tears as he falls to his knees

"I don't know what I am anymore Y/n...I'm miserable...I'm insane" he sobbed as I kneeled in front of him. I try to steady my shaking as I slowly begin to reach for the knife he dropped, I placed it behind my back out of his sight to ensure he doesn't grab it.

"I can help can the others you've just got to accept what's happening" I tell him guilt ridden.

"Why do you want to help?"

"Because you're my friend" I give him a small smile. He held out his arms for a hug and I hesitated to accept his gesture.

He pushed me to the ground with anger plastered on his face as his hands wrap around my throat.

Without thinking I quickly pull the knife out from under my back and violently jab it into his neck as hard as I possibly can. His blood poured over me staining my skin and hoodie.

"Thank...y-you" he spoke in relief as I pull the knife out of his neck, I then push him off of ne and quickly shuffle away sitting against the closest wall my back could find. I dropped the knife as I look at all the blood that was absorbed into my clothes. My hands trembling as they were doused in red. The door burst open and I raise my head to see Jeff looking around the room confused.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Is that your blood?" He asked me urgently as he walked towards me. I lightly shake my head and look at my friends body.

He sat down next to me leaning his back against the wall as he brought his knees up to his chest, resting his arms on top of them.

Neither of us said a word to each other for an hour as I couldn't stop staring at the guy whose life I painfully drained out of him

Without saying a word Jeff got up and began dragging the body out of the room..

Half an hour had passed and hadn't moved from my spot as Jeff walked back into the room.
A burnt bleached hand reach out to me.

I look up at Jeff and he waited for me to take it. I weakly grab his hand as he pulled me up, he kept his held on my hand strong as he began to guide me out of the house. As we got outside I notice smoke coming from the bottom of Ryan's back garden. Jeff was burning their bodies.

"I...killed him..." I muttered as he lead me towards the woods.

"Try not to think about it" he muttered keeping his hold on me tight. The tears stung more than I could bare and I eventually let them out as I quietly sob to myself. There was nothing I could do to change what was done. I was a murderer. I'm just like the men I live with now...
How could I do that to my own friend?!
Even if it was self defence.

By the time we got back to the house many dried tears had stained my blood splattered face.

The others looked at my state worried and had questions but EJ quietened them down. Jeff took me up to his room and Liu followed behind, he laid me down on his bed and he got a wet towel wiping the dried up blood off of me.

"What happened?" Liu asked concerned.

"The type of shit that happened to all of us" was all he replied with as he pulled off my damp and red stained hoodie and after cleaning my skin he managed to zip up one of his black jackets on me.
He took off my trousers and shoes and tucked me under the covers. He left the room taking the clothes with him as he shut the door.

"Do you need anything?" Was all Liu asked as he knelt down by the bed, his hand caressing my hair gently.

"...I just want to rest" I mutter.

"Okay" he stood up "I'll be downstairs if you need me" he informed before he left.

Jeff PoV

"So that's what happened" Liu sighed, feeling guilty at the thought of his friend going through something as harsh as that.

"She was uncomfortable with the fact that we kill but still did her best to accept it. I know for sure she won't be able to live with herself" Toby mentioned

"Thanks for the optimism" Liu leaned back against the wall folding his arms.

"There are going to be some long days ahead of us" EJ leaned his head back on the sofa.

"Slender man must've had something else planned" hoodie spoke his thoughts out loud

"Slender could've just made a mistake" Ben shrugged "maybe Liam wasn't supposed to be one of us"

"The boss never makes a mistake" he told him sternly "If it wasn't Liam... then it maybe it's Y/n. Y/n had to kill, it was to see if she's meant to be one of us not her friend, he was just a prop in it all along"

"Okay well let's maybe not mention it to her" Ben suggested awkwardly.

"He couldn't have chosen anyone who didn't mean something to her?" Liu gritted

"It had to be someone she at least cared about...if he involved her family then it would've surely drove her away...Liam was the perfect option. She was capable of killing him. It depends on how she will cope within these next few days and how she feels will determine his answer"

"This is fucked. She can't be one of us. Her? Are we talking about the same girl? She can't hurt a fly" Masky huffed "she won't be able to do what we do! Not willingly!"

"Once shes helped us out with Jane slender will have no use for her anymore, we won't see her again once it's over. He's doing this for us. He knows we can't have her leave but we can't have a normie living with us forever. So he's seeing if he should keep her around even when everything is over." Hoodie informed.

Jeff went upstairs not wanting to hear anymore. He went into his room and sat on the floor leaning his back against his bed where     Y/n was sleeping peacefully.

"Jeff..." she muttered weakly holding her hand out to him "I..."

"I told you" he sighed intertwining his hand with hers as he let them rest on his shoulder as her eyes began to fall shut again "try not to think about it..."

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