Chapter 18- Updated

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I open my eyes to see my father strapped to a chair, two figures with shadows cast over them stood behind him.
"They're closer than you think!" He yelled leaning forward in the chair, yanking his restraints as he tried to reach me, I flinched as I took a step back
"Dad what's happening?" I ask him scared.

He looked down, his head hanging low, no sound emerging, everything was silent.
I hesitantly walk towards his limp figure, my heart pounding harder with every step, I was within arms reach until he spoke again
"The people who did this" he snapped his head up at me revealing his slit throat gushing with blood "they're closer to you than you think! You have to stay away!"

My eyes snap open and I sit up instantly. I take in my surroundings as the sound of the wind whistled through through naked winter trees. I was resting on one of the many benches in the college yard, I must've fell asleep.
I look up to see a blonde haired boy standing in front of me.

"Hi, sorry I am Liam, you helped me from the bullies a few days ago?"

I look at him silent as I tried to come back to my senses.
"262?" he referenced back to my locker number that I called out when we first met.

"Right, you're 256" I recall the locker that I've seen him use. I tried to clear my head of the nightmare "I'm sorry I just had a bad dream"

"It's okay, I'll let you come to your senses" he sat next to me as he opened a sketch book.

I lean back against the table taking a few deep breaths, I look over to see what he was sketching and I felt my heart skip erratically.

"Uh, can I see that?" I lean towards him trying not to sound surprised. He looked at me confused.

"What? My drawing?" He asked

"Yeah it's just, he looks really familiar" I play it off, he handed it to me and I looked at it tying to hide the anxiety I was feeling.

"Well...I wasn't planning on telling anyone" he looked down with a concerned expression.

"The day you helped you me, I was out in the woods after school, you know just to get away from people and...I saw him" he pointed to his drawing, his voice descended into a whisper "he was just walking...slowly..."

I look up at him, my face scrunched in concern

"He had red stains on his gloves...I think it was blood"

"Are you sure it was blood?" I question about what he thought he saw "he could just really be into cosplay or something"

"He was holding a gun" he spoke more stern through his whisper "that says enough"

I look back down at the sketch...the figure drawn perfectly of hoodie...his mask...his yellow hood, all the way down to his boots were accurately drawn...

"Did the police?" I ask him. He stayed silent for a moment

"I was going to but..."

"But?" I urge him to continue

"There was a figure beside him...tall...faceless...the police won't believe what I saw. Not without evidence"

"A tall faceless figure?" I repeat nervously.
'That sounds like something they would be affiliated with'

"I'm going to get evidence, and expose him and any possible others to the world, then get more than just the police on it. To avenge the life he took and possibly many others before that"


"Can you help me Y/n? You're the only person who has bothered to talk to me in this place and treat me with any sort of common decency"

I couldn't help but stare dumbfounded

'Is he really trying to ask me to help him hunt down a potential serial killer? Do I give off that kind of weird impression?

I made my way through the large woods trying to find the house holding the killers.
I immediately stand still when I see a yellow hooded figure pinning a note against a tree

"Hoodie?" I call his name as his back was turned to me.

He slightly turned his body in a swift motion acknowledging my presence.

"I'm busy" he replied bluntly.

"Yeah nice to see you too" I quickly mutter under my breath "what are the notes for?" I ask after clearing my throat.

"The boss"

"Okay, but honestly we should talk" I confess as I fiddled with the straps on my bag.

"Regarding?" He let his arms rest at his sides looking at the note that gently swayed with the breeze.

"This" I drop my bag on the dirt, I reach into it and pull out the drawing "someone I've met recently drew this of you, it scared me because I thought you guys were hidden away and unknown...the accuracy of this got me by surprise"

"Someone saw me?" He tried to keep his tone blunt but I could hear a small hint of surprise in his voice.

"He saw you covered in blood holding a weapon. He would've called the police to search for you but he saw something beside you and he knew they wouldn't believe he's determined to get you himself"

"If he wants to find me then let him" he shook his head as he flicked through the remaining notes he was holding.

"He has a feeling there are more with you so he's going to try get all of you" I tell him seriously. I followed him as he made his way to another tree

"He's just a stupid college kid Y/n." Hoodie replies sternly "he's no threat to us. If he wants to waste his time going on a wild goose chase then let him" he started pinning the note against the tree


"Y/n. If he finds us it's his loss. Him vs us. Does it sound like he can win?"

"But you can't kill unless you're ordered to-"

"We will if we must" he informed turning to face me.
"Just like Masky did."

He then turned his attention to the note that was barely hanging on the tree
"Thank you for the warning but don't get involved with this'll just make it worse. Especially if he finds out you're with us" he walks off before I could say another word, he was completely unbothered.

"You're welcome" I mumble

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