Chapter 26- Updated

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"Thank you for letting me have dinner with you guys" Liu thanked my grandparents as the four of us sat around the circular dining table

"Oh it's no problem at all" my grandma smiled

"Yeah, I will only make an exception for you, no other boys though" my granddad huffed

"Grandad" I quickly mutter so he wouldn't ramble on.

"Oh there's no need for that honey, we already consider Liu apart of the family"

"You do?" Me and Liu ask in unison as we look at her

"Of course, I don't know why you're so surprised Y/n" she chuckled

"Well, I did but I didn't know you two did" I tell them truthfully

"Like I said he's the only exception" my granddad chuckled

"Thank you it...means a lot" Liu gave a small smile. I look at Liu as his tone of voice gave off the impression that he was lost in thought, something keeps troubling him...

Once we all finished dinner me and Liu decided to go on a walk together, the sun was setting so we didn't plan to stay out for long.
We walked slowly side by side taking in the scent of fresh cold air as a small breeze flowed through our hairs.

"Please don't worry" I tell him out of the blue, he looked down at me as we continued to walk.

"I can't" he couldn't help but scrunch his brows with worry.

"I don't know why you guys have so much trouble between you so I can't really say anything but I'm sure you guys will figure it out" i try to assure him

"Thank you, it means a lot" he gave me a warm smile in return.


It was the next day. I was at college and I sat on a bench outside. I could see my breath in the cold air and I heard a small chirp of a bird every now and then. The trees looked beautiful with the suns rays cutting through their branches.
This is exactly what I needed...this is so peaceful.

"262!" I heard somebody call.

'But then he shows up' I frowned.

I lean up looking behind me to see Liam jogging towards me, he effortlessly hopped over the bench and sat next to me without wasting a second.

"256" I greet leaning back trying to relax again

"I hope you've finally come to your senses"

"About what?" I ask

"Helping me get those people or maybe that figure"
I lean up sitting straight as I looked at Liam troubled.

"I know they helped you Y/n but that spec of good doesn't counter the heavy weight of bad that they've done"

"You don't know if they've done bad" I remind him "you only saw a person walking in the woods"

"Yes" he turns to me handing me his folder "but yesterday i saw something more convincing!" I take the folder from his hands and I flicked through until I found a sheet of paper that once again made me feel like my insides had collapsed.

"It's a photo" he told me as you pulled it from it's slot. It was a picture of Toby...dragging a body. "No drawing. Nothing made up. Just hardcore evidence! He was stuttering and twitching, talking to himself and covered in blood! It freaked me the fuck out I got out as soon as I could!"

It made me sick, reminding me of the kind of men they really are, and I used to live with them. Despite their looks, the fact that they murder still manages to slip my mind as i've never seen them do it... except for Masky when he protected me.
"If that doesn't scream guilty I don't know what does"

'That's it. I'm trapped in a corner now, I can't make up an excuse mistaking what he's seen. If I accept, I'm betraying Liu and the others... no matter what I always find myself caring for them.
But if I deny Liam, he will suspect something's up, he'll know that I'm supporting a bunch of killers and like hoodie said I should've left it alone he was right. What the hell do I do?'

"Y/n? Y/n!" Liam snapped his fingers in front of me forcing me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry Liam" I spoke a little dumbfounded, I place the picture back in its slot handing the folder back to him.

"Y/n" he utters my name again "you have to help me" his eyes were full of determination

'I'm sorry Liam...I have to help them like they have done to me...I'll always take their side if I have too'

"Okay Liam" I lean back again, swallowing my nerves "I'll help you"

"Really?" He jumps forward in his seat leaning close to me from excitement and relief.

"Yes, but on one condition" I tell him raising my finger, making him lean away from me.

"Anything" he responds.

"We keep this between us. No one else. We don't want anyone hurt. No police, we need more evidence first."

"Deal" he agreed.

'I'm sorry guys...I'll do my best to clean up this mess'

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