Chapter 22- Updated

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"Hey Liam" I greet him with a tired sigh as I sat next to him in psychology.

"Hey, I was worried about you, you weren't answering any of my texts or calls last night"

"Huh?" I think to myself confused, I check my phone and I see I have 23 texts from Liam.
"Sorry...I'd give you an explanation if I remembered what actually happened last night"

"Did you go out anywhere?" He asked curiously

"I think I did..."

"With anyone in particular?"

"I went out with-" you cut yourself as I began to see flashes of the event last night, Gibbs left and my drink got spiked, three men were tailing me but Jack, Toby and Masky appeared before anything could happen.

"No one" I finished "I was by myself"

"Then what happened?" He asked in a whisper leaning closer to me.

"Look nothing happened" I tell him as the teacher entered the room "let's just leave it"


During lunch time we sat on a bench outside, due to the colder weather not as many students would be roaming about.

"So I think maybe after lessons are over we can go exploring in the woods and try to capture this thing on camera" Liam looks at me "evidence is most important"

"Uh...I don't think so" I tell him feeling conflicted.

"Why?" He asked surprised.

"Spotting if coincidentally is one thing...but purposely going out to look for it is suicide, it's like your asking for it to notice you"

"You agreed to help me and now you don't even want to try?"

"I just don't think we should go out purposely looking for it, because if it is really real I doubt it's friendly..."

"No that's not it..." his eyes stared straight through mine "there's something else isn't there"

"No!" I got defensive

"It's something to do with yesterday isn't it?" He prodded further.

"Liam I said leave it" I snapped at him

"You said you'd help me Y/n, why are you so hesitant now?" He was confused at my sudden change and he wanted answers.

I sigh knowing he should know at least know what happened... I may hold a grudge against the slender man but if any attention is brought to him then it's brought to Liu and the others and they don't deserve that... somehow.
"you're some kind of a mind reading psychologist" I try to lighten up the mood.

"I was meeting a friend last night..." I began "I got ditched...and somehow my drink was spiked and I wasn't myself, I was vulnerable and alone with these guys stalking me...I didn't know what they were going to do...what they could've been capable of..."

"Y/n" he spoke feeling guilty.

"I was too buzzed to realise the danger I was in...but... the people you've seen in those woods...well...some others had appeared"

"Others? So there's definitely a lot of those sick bastards out there" Liam mumbled

"Liam they protected me...they didn't have to"

"And now you're second guessing whether you want to help me catch them"

"Only one of them was responsible for why I was willing to help...not...all them and even then it wasn't 'its' fault" I told him finally coming to the realisation. I actually cared about them on some level.

"Y/n...whether it's one of them responsible or all of them they're still bad people remeber? You must know what they're like, I've seen what they're like...even at glances...we can't let them wander around and hurt people" he spoke with desperation
'They had no reason to help me...but they willingly did...even masky'

"They helped me..." was all I could mumble feeling guilty.

"But they're still bad...they were covered in blood! They were hideous! It's obvious they're bad people and we need to catch them so the police can take them down"

"Look-" I felt myself losing patience and I needed to figure out a way to slip away from this pursuit. "Please at least, just give me some time"

I finally got back in my room, I drop my bag on the floor as I collapsed on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I completely regret agreeing to help Liam, especially after last night.

Something inside of me clicked and I went to my window to lock it.  

"Not all of us climb through windows" I look at my computer screen to see the upper half of Ben on my monitor.

"Ben- What are you doing here" I walk up to my desk looking at the screen, I still couldn't get used to these things he does.

"I wasn't there but i was told about what happened last night, I just wanted to come see if my bestie- Uh...ex roommate is okay"

"You know I'm not your responsibility anymore right?" I remind him.

"I know" he nodded

"And you still see me as a friend?" I ask confused "and you actually came to still see me?"

"I guess I technically have no reason to come see you since you aren't our priority anymore...but we're past those terms now...well some of us are, I don't see the need to keep the act up with you, it's not your fault the big man kicked you out and you understand us better than any other normie has so far, plus if we're not protecting you for slender it's going to be for Liu"

"I just...everything is a huge mess right now" I sit on my desk chair in front of the computer.

"Of course it is...but it isn't our fault for what happened with slender man...he didn't intentionally kill her... if something happened then..."

"I know" I nod "Liu had already told me...but what could she have done for that to happen?" I ask him just wanting an answer to something at least.

"I guess you'll never know..." he spoke gently feeling a sense of guilt.

"How can I return and face anyone again after what happened?" I shrugged "I'm still mad with the slender guy but you guys..."

"I get it, it can be hard to face people after something bad happened, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't try, Jane is still out there after all it'd be better to ensure to see who's on your side"

"But there's no point in returning, I'm sure most of you hate me now" I tell him "and slender will never let me back in the house, if I for some strange reason would ever want to return for longer than a day"

"Just remember Masky, EJ and Toby saved you" he reminded me.

"Like you said before...if they protect me they would did it for Liu...not for me" I lower my head "I'm sorry Ben...but if you're still okay with it I'd like to still be friends and we can always play games here instead" I suggest

"Look at you" he smirked, his hands reached out of the computer and onto the desk as he brought his head out leaning close to me.
"even after everything that happened you're still being nice to me! despite knowing what I am and what I can do. I'm hanging out of your computer screen!" He laughed which held some evil tones

"Yeah denial is a great weapon" I chuckle.

"Look... people make mistakes, hell I've got a fair share of my own" he leaned his chin on his palm as his elbow sat sturdy on my desk.
I lean back looking at him, even if they were protecting me just for Liu, they still protected me at the end of the day...again...they could've easily killed me or left me but they didn't...Masky would be the one to most likely do something if he ever saw me again after not being obliged to protect me...yet when we were left alone he stayed calm and even took me to Liu so I could get home safely.

I pondered to myself realising that Ben was right
"Do you...wanna play a game?" I offered gesturing to your gaming console

"Now we're talking sunshine" He let out a sinister grin

Creepypasta x Reader (A New Beginning)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon