Chapter 40- Updated

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Shout out to @unknown4883 @LisaSpamer @Yashi017 for the continued support <3 thank you for inspiring me to carry on the chapters :p

I grunt as i begin to stir from my slumber, i open my eyes and I was still in Jeff's room, but I was alone. I remember everything that happened but I couldn't bring myself to mentally face it.
I look at my hands and I felt a sickening pit swirl in my stomach as my hands were  dripping red, I instantly get up and stumble to the bathroom.

I rush to the sink and quickly switch on the water, I rub my hands vigorously but the stain wasn't coming off. I let out an agonising groan until I heard a familiar voice echo through my mind.

"Oh get it together!"

"Who the fuck are you?" I flinch trying to find the source, but no one was there.

"I'm you, you dummy" The voice sighed

"How is this even possible?" I ask confused but I no longer questioned it as I start trying to wash my hands again in desperation.

"You don't seem to be in a very god state...the trauma is just making you hallucinate" the voice brushed it off like it was normal. "So when are you going to tell me who you're planning on hooking up with?"

"I'm sorry?" I ask unsure glancing up for a second as the water continued to run. "Did I hear that right?"

"Yes you did!" The voice replied. "So who do you have in mind?! Who makes your heart pulse everywhere!...even down there..." it chucked

"I just killed my only 'normal' friend last night, the timing is a bit off don't you think?!" I snap as I continue to vigorously wash my hands again.

"There's the confident Y/n I've been looking for!" The voice chimes. "I think it's the perfect time! You must want to at least talk about it. Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this book! I know you! You just want to get straight to the action!"

"I don't like any of them!" I counter as I switch the water off, I couldn't stop glancing at my hands "how are they still red?!"

"Set yourself straight!" The voice demanded "You like Toby for his personality. Jeff because he secretly cares. EJ for his protectiveness. Hoodie for his mysteriousness, Even Masky and Liu!"

"You're crazy" I mention out loud stepping back.

"Y/n? Are you in there?" A voice called from the other side of the door

"It's the best friend one!" The voice shouts excitedly, my ears rang with a bit of pain and I cupped them instinctively.

"These are the only men you've been around for longest period of your life! You may not realise it but they have been driving your hormones crazy! You gotta sort yourself out!" It begged "or you won't stop feeling this way!"

"Y/n?" Liu calls out again

"Okay. Let's say I do happen to 'like' them" I whisper quietly "it's not like they're the romantic type. It's probably one of those stupid crushes people get like in those movies. Besides I can't like all of them that just makes me feel so..."

"Adventurous!" It finished

"No! I'm not even going there!" I gritted "it's just all so confusing! I can't like one of them let alone all of them. My hands are covered in Liams blood right now! I can't-"

"How many times do I have to say this?! Get yourself together!" The voice sounded fed up "you'd love nothing more than to belong to all them, much more than a friend. Now go on and get you what you really want!"

"Are you okay?" Liu asked as he got the door open and approached me, I didn't respond as I look down at my hands to see they were clean.

"I feel weird" I murmured as I realised I was on the floor.

"I think you blacked out, come sit downstairs for a bit and I'll get you a drink."


I sat in the middle of the U sofa watching Ben and Toby who were sitting on the floor in front of us playing on the console together. Hoodie and Masky sat on my right as EJ and Jeff sat on my left.

"Here" Liu handed me a glass of water, he then sat in between me and Masky. I took small sips from my glass as Ben and Toby squabbled back and forth. All voices were drowned out as I couldn't help but look at each figure in the room. Their body shape, their voice, their scent...maybe the creepy voice of myself was right.
'What if I do like them? No I don't like any of them...'

I found my eyes glancing at EJ next to me as he watched the screen with his arms folded. I lean back against the sofa, peering behind Liu to see Masky doing the same.

"Wanna play Y/n? You're good at killing!" Ben mentioned to which Toby proceeded to elbow him harshly in his side "I meant in the game! Not real life!" He grunted in pain

"You okay Y/n?...Y/n?" Liu's voice continued to be drowned out by Ben and Toby's arguing.

"Y/n" EJ caught my attention snapping me out of my daydream as I look up at him.

"Sorry? What's going on?" I ask confused.

"Bens remark? It doesn't bother you?" He asked

"Oh...l guess I was too zoned out to hear him" I look down at my glass, I'm surprised i was even considering the possibilities of having feelings for any of these people.

"You don't seem as bothered as I thought you'd be about...last night..." Hoodie spoke up

"It just doesn't feel real for me at the moment..." I glance at my hands to see they were still clean, I was scared for whenever they'd turn red with Liams blood again.

Hoodie made a mental note to himself on my behaviour.

"So you feel like killing anyone else?" Masky asked out of nowhere folding his arms. To which Liu proceeded to kick him with his leg.

"Be any more obvious?" He gritted to him quietly to which Masky frowned under his mask at the retaliation he received.

"What? Of course not, I mean it was self defence I could never willingly do it... I-" I cut myself off not knowing what to say.

"Come on and focus on the game with us!" Ben grinned, he didn't look back as he tossed Toby's controller behind him. Once more a grey hand immediately reached out and caught it before it came into contact with my face.

"Thanks EJ..." I muttered as he handed me the controller

"Ben!" Liu spoke up defensively "what have I told you?!"

"What?" He shrugged "I'm helping her reflexes" he laughed "she'll thank me later!"

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