Chapter 46- Updated

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EJ sat looking down at her peaceful sleeping figure. He was relieved, she seemed to be recovering well. It was definitely too close of a call...

He gently brushed a piece of hair over behind her ear so it wasn't over her eyes.
He felt strange around her.
He wanted to protect her.
Hold her like he did that night in the alley.

But the last time he fell for a normal girl...

Jack screamed in pain, his back against the tree as the hot black substance poured directly onto his eyes.

He wasn't to have anything to do with it.


Reader POV

A few weeks have gone by and thanks to Jack I was recovering well. The others also played their own parts in helping me out.

Toby would bring me food and drinks to keep my strength up.

Ben would entertain me by telling me stories of his mishaps with Toby.

Hoodie would come in at times with Jack to help with treatment.

Jeff would check up on me with Sally and it always brightened my day.

And Liu was with me almost all of his time.

Masky however, he was a no show for the whole time I was recovering. I wish he were here though...

Soon enough I was fully up and walking by myself with a few aches here and there.

I was sitting on the edge of my bed, preparing myself to go downstairs and get my own drink with no support. Before I could even think about trying to stand up, static filled my head as a figure appeared in front of me.

"Jesus!" I lean back from his sudden appearance, the static cleared and the slender man looked down upon me.

"It's appears you're recovering well for a normal girl" he mentioned after seeing my current state "they did well"

"Yeah they did" I spoke thoughtfully "how long have you been back?"

"A week, I just wasn't planning on seeing you until you recovered. You risked your own life with Jane and gave us the chance to finally turn the tides. She's working with an enemy of mine."

"An enemy? Why? Is he one of you guys?"

"Yes...but some people can't let the past matter how long ago it may have been"


"For helping us. Accepting us, and much more than any other mere life could bring to us. I will always offer you a place here you can call home.
If you ever wish it, you could become just like us...I know you have it within you, but that is your decision alone to make."

"I see...thank you" I mumble unsure of how to answer. Having a permanent place here is the best thing I could hear from this creature. But being like them? I couldn't even imagine it at this moment. Nothing could happen that could make me like them...could it?

Slender man had then left me alone and I decided that I should go downstairs and build up my strength. I carefully managed to make it downstairs but there wasn't a soul in sight.

"Is it their fun day today?" I ask myself "I must've lost track..."

I headed towards the kitchen but I noticed the basement door cracked ajar.
'They never have it open unless they're inside...but why would they...'

I open the door wider and make my way down the stairs as I heard a painful groan below.

"Masky?" I question confused, Jane was chained up and she was badly wounded in her shoulder, Masky was pressing his boot up against her injury terrorising her.

"Get off her!" I tell him pulling him back by his arm

"What are you doing here?!" He snapped turning to me

"What is SHE doing here?!" I retaliate

"You're alive?!" Jane growled

"Yes! Masky why are you doing this?"

"She tried to kill you." Masky knelt down lifting her up by hero rough charcoal hair forcing her to look at me.

"But I'm not dead. So stop" I tell him "for whatever reason you're doing this, torturing her isn't the way"

"It's because he couldn't protect you" she chuckled with her dry throat. I shake my head with a sigh as I tug Masky away from Jane again "he broke his promise~" she sang mockingly.

"Is it true?" I ask him sternly. He continued to stare at me not giving me an answer.

"Of course it is!" Jane broke the silence

"Shut up!" I snap at her "come back up with me Masky"

"What makes you think I'll do that?"

"We've seen what being stuck on revenge can do..." I glance at Jane and then back at him "Don't let her consume you. Don't let what happened bother you. I survived." I lightly grip maskys arm as a gesture to come upstairs with me.

He shook his head pulling his arm away
"Masky" I urge

"Go Y/n. Don't make me tell you again"

I give up knowing I won't win against him, you never did. I turn my back to him and make my way up the stairs the best I could not looking back.

"Why are you kicking her out? I was having fun" Jane frowned

"For that exact reason" Masky sighed.

"Pity" she glared

"You like to frown a lot" Masky walked towards the stairs "you should smile more, I know someone who will fix that" he spoke bluntly as he headed towards the exit causing a look of shock to overtake Janes face, remembering that night. Masky slammed the door shut and left her in the dark.

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