Chapter 19- Updated

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"Ah, Y/n" Liu called out to me as I entered the house.

"Hey" I answer him as he came out of the kitchen towards me.

"let's go talk upstairs" he tells me, I look around the living room and glanced into the kitchen to see the others weren't even paying attention.

"Is it bad?" I ask him feeling unsettled from his tone.

"It depends" he told me as he led me upstairs.


"Okay what is it?" I ask as I sat on the edge of his bed.

"Our boss is coming back for a visit tomorrow" he announced "he's only here for a few days, he never usually stays here for long but it's best you know"

"Okay, is he as bad as the others downstairs?"

"It depends..." he repeats

"Again?" I cock my brow "on what?"

ChildrenIsWorseThanTheGuysHere" he spoke quickly

"He's what?!" I stood up in terror "you couldn't tell me this before?!"

"I wanted you to get used to these guys first! Introduce you slowly! He said you can stay here because he thinks you can help us get rid of Jane. She doesn't hurt innocents. You could help us"

"That's nice, knowing I'm only being kept alive so I can be used for your fight!" I retaliate

"It's not like that Y/n" Liu pleaded "please, I'll be with you the whole time and I'm sure the guys will be on your side too"

"I doubt that" I look down


"Come to see the show?" Masky spoke up as me and Liu made our way into the living room where everyone else lingered.

"No way Ben you fucking cheated!" Jeff yelled, I look to see Ben and Jeff sitting in front of the tv playing games. Toby, EJ and hoodie were sitting on the sofa as Masky stood leaning against the wall near the kitchen. Liu led me to the sofa and I sat so i was in between EJ and Liu.

"the big man should arrive in an hour at most" Ben told us not taking his eyes of off the screen.

"Why don't you play something?" Liu leaned over whispering to me "you're really tense it could help you relax and possibly bond"

"I don't know" i shrug, I look up to see a controller was being tossed towards me, before I could react a hand reaches out in front of my face and caught it.

"Thanks EJ" I let out a sigh of relief as he hands me the controller, I gently took it out of his hand, he gave a small nod in response.

"Ben be careful" Liu glared

"I'm sorry, I thought she'd have a fast reaction since she's always so nervous" he laughed "why don't you 1v1 me? Let's see how good you are at gaming" he challenged

"I like to play games but not competitively" I tell him

"Oh come on It's just some fun" he winked

I finally agreed and loaded into a game with Ben, we fought against each other and when the match was over he won by ten more kills.

"Holy shit" he was astounded "no one has gotten that close to beat me before!"

"Really?" I couldn't help but smile, I felt a little less embarrassed for losing.

"Eyes on me" A deep dark voice echoed through everyone's mind.

I instantly grab my head as immeasurable pain pounded through it, my ears rang as it felt like my head was being squeezed and pressed together like it was in a tight clamp.

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