Chapter 8- Updated

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A/N: people are complaining about Y/n being a wimp in this chapter.
I said this was to be written and progressed as realistically as I could.
I know I would be terrified if I was thrown into a room full of men with the only information that they are murderers and look completely terrifying, even more so that some of them don't even look human.
Like bro- I'd shit myself too and so would you💀


His eyes were dripping blood and if I wasn't visibly shaking before I was now.
'Why is he bleeding like that?! It's not normal! I can't do this! They'll hurt me!'

I was speechless as I looked down at my hand hovering near his...
'Does he really want me to shake his hand?!'

"You know it's rude to leave someone hanging" ben nodded towards his outstretched hand offended

"I-" I stuttered
'Why can't I speak?! I'm too much of a wreck and if I mess up that's it! why did liu have to leave me alone now of all times?!'

Bens hand started to lower with a glaring expression in his eyes and it made me feel uneasy deep in my stomach...I never felt so threatened from a glare...
I snap out of it stepping forward as I quickly grab his hand before it fell to his side, lightly shaking it

He stood there for a moment realising what I did.
"Good girl" his voice was stoic yet a hint of humour to it as he shook his hand with mine. He kept his grip on my hand as his eyes bored into mine...he appears annoyed now with how hesitant I was but at least he didn't have that same glare on his face.

"I'm sorry" I tell him apologetically.

"Liu already told us but what's your name? I want to hear it from you myself" He changed the topic as if he didn't want any excuses from me

"Y/n" I lowered my head a little

A sadistic deep laugh interrupted as a man in an orange jacket and a mask bent down to my level...Masky
"Look at her she's shaking! She's scared!" he let out a raspy he seemed satisfied with my fear.
I slightly lean away from him as he was leaning down too close

"N-no" I couldn't help but feel intimidated looking down...Ben finally let go of my hand allowing it to fall by my side and I started to pick my nails...or what was left of them.

"I'm sorry but you're wrong. Im not scared because of... that- it's just that I'm not good at meeting new people in general" I tell him trying to sound more confident

"Ain't that the truth" Ben huffed folding his arms

"Oh? I'm wrong? really?" Masky asked surprised at my sudden comeback and he seemed angry about it

"Yes. So please don't say that" I tell him
'What the fuck am I doing?'

"So are you sure it ain't nothing to do" He gestured to them moving even closer to me.

"Masky b-back off" toby stuttered as he had to get involved.

Masky clicked his tongue in annoyance as he stood up straight, taking a few steps back "Well? answer the question." Masky gritted and I stood there for a moment, all eyes were on me.
'I'm guessing he's talking about their looks and their background that Liu briefed me on...I felt this way entirely because of that but I can't let them know'

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