Chapter 27- Updated

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'How the hell am I even going to be able to pull that off!'

I panicked to myself pacing back and forth. I thought it would be a good idea to pretend to go along with Liam's plan. I was so confident about it earlier so Liam took me to his house.
He showed me his plans, how to get more evidence and reality hit me in the face like a brick. He's way more into this than I had originally imagined.

I can't let him try to expose them, if they get any attention they'd have to leave and they won't have anywhere to go.

'But there's no way I can convince him to stop his hunt now. It'll be too weird, I've just got to steer him away somehow.


A knock was heard on the door causing me to quickly look over towards the noise. "You've been in the bathroom for over 10 minutes. "Are you blowing up my toilet?" He teased.

"What? No!" I raise my voice defensively so he could hear me through the door.
'How do I get out of this?'

"Are you hurt? Is something wrong?" He seemed concerned "Y/n?" He asked trying to open the door.


I opened the door to see Liam right in front of me.

"Sorry" I tell him straightening out my shirt "I felt sick so I had to hover by the toilet for a bit"

"You're sick?" He pressed his hand to my forehead.

"I'm okay now" I gave him a smile

"Are you sure?" He asked me again

"I'm positive" I assure him, we both made our way to his room again.

In his room there were drawings pinned to the wall above his desk of the guys that he's seen. Hoodie...toby...Masky... different sketches...different angles...he wants to do this right if he's to get them all...

"So...have your parents questioned your drawings?" I asked curiously, he turned to face me as he leaned back in his swivel chair by his desk

"I draw a lot. So they don't think anything of it"

"Well that's lucky then. They'll just think you're being your weird usual self"

"Hey! Who are you calling weird?" He complained

I look on his desk where you I a small simple sketch to which it caught me by surprise.

"Liam" I pick up the piece of paper
'I can't believe I completely forgot about it when he mentioned it!'

I look at the sketch of slender on the page "you've mentioned before that you've seen that thing too haven't you?"

"Yeah, it didn't notice me though...but I started to feel fuzzy and weak, it's hard to remember it exactly but it's very vaguely in here" he pointed at his temple with a smirk

"'re a good person...right?" I ask him "'ve done nothing bad?"

"Not as I know of" he shrugged "why?"

I look back down at the suddenly realising why hasn't Liam been devoured by slender? Or why hasn't he gone mad like my mother? it because he wasn't noticed? But that can't be it because slender had an effect on him when he was near...maybe Liu would know?

"Okay...I'm sorry I need to go home and sort some things out with my grandparents" I came up with a lie on the spot as I got my bag.

"Okay. No problem Y/n" he nodded understandingly "I'll see you later"

Creepypasta x Reader (A New Beginning)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن