Chapter 62- Updated

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"Thank you Amanda, I knew I could count on you" Jane thanked her as she stood aside.

"How are you still alive?! I killed you!" I yell in frustration.

"All this time the guys have been talking about how strong I've become, you think a few mere bullets would kill me? I would've been dead long ago by hoodie if that was the case" she scoffed "they had that much faith in you that they didn't even bother to check, now they're going to pay the price of becoming too soft!"

"I tried to help you! Why can't you just let it go?!" I scream. I felt pain violently jolt through my body every few minutes leaving me crippled as I fall to my knees in pain.

"Amanda!" I grit "why?! Why are you helping her?!"

"I'm her cousin" she stated as if it was the obvious. "You have to help family out right?"

I pause as I couldn't believe what I was hearing, l let out a scoff in disbelief. "You're such a pathetic scumbag, you always were" I spat.

"Oh Y/n" Jane clapped amused "I missed you, I really wished di could've convinced you and Liu to side with me instead"


Third POV

The guys had arrived where Ben stated they were located and it turned out to be an abandoned warehouse.

"You've got to be fucking joking! This place is huge!" Jeff groaned

"Split up" Masky demanded "find Y/n and if you see Jane take her down! Her bitch of a cousin shouldn't be that hard since she's not like us"

The guys split up going inside looking around the dark and damp building in a desperation to find Y/n.

Masky wandered through a Corridor, hearing nothing but water dripping from a broken pipe as his boots crushed shards of glass and debris beneath him.

He searched and he searched and he searched.

He was starting to lose hope that he will ever find her until he heard a chilling scream echo down the corridor. Without hesitation he ran towards the source and found himself in a big room seeing Y/n at the other end cuffed with Jane and Amanda threatening her.

EJ ran up to Masky and stood beside him as he heard the same concerning sound.
They stood there with her in their sights. Their lean figures towered with intimidation ready to jump in any second.

"I wouldn't come any closer if I were you!" Jane uncuffed Y/n and held her in front of her, using her as a human shield with a knife pressed against her neck "unless you want me to just finish her off right here!" She wrapped her arm around Y/n's neck tightly in order to restrain her.

Their glares become more deathly through their masks as they stood tense, not moving a muscle. They threw small glances toward each other, despite their conflict they still cared for eachother and the girl in front of them.

"Go check if the others are around" Jane ordered Amanda. She didn't seem so sure by the idea but left feeling as though she had no choice.

"Your cousin isn't like us. They'll overpower her easily. You don't care for her life?" Masky prodded

"No life means anything to me but Jeff AND the rest of you... and making sure I end it." She gritted

"I've been keeping an eye out for a while" she sung "I never thought Y/n and Masky would become a hot item, especially after fucking his friend" she taunted "A Man you considered your brother, what a shame" Jane mocked Masky in an attempt to get a reaction out of him "surely you must be mad"

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