Chapter 55- Updated

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I wondered hungrily through the woods until I reached the town.

'Find her'

'She's not far'

'Find her!'

There's one place I knew Jane would be...and that's where she held me before.

I made my way over there, passing my house along the way, the house was dark as my grandparents would be asleep.
I visited them more this month after my fathers death, they were worried about me but they knew I was doing well, especially since hoodies trick still worked on them.

I felt myself calm a little at the thought of if the humanity within me was trying to break through...until Lius slit throat appeared in my mind and I harshly push it back within. I held the pistol tightly as I pulled my sleeve over my hand.

I walked through the streets and eventually made it to her rundown house.
I walk through the abandoned garden and looked through her back door. A candle was lit as she sat on a run down chair at her dining table, her back was to me.
I opened the door and she let out a sigh
"It took you long enough Jeff" she stood and turned around to be faced with my bloodshot eyes as slenders blood tried to control me.

"So you did do it then..." I muttered as she took a few steps back.

"I had too! I'm sorry. I can never forgive him! I had to get revenge no matter what!"

"I know... and so will I" I grit through my teeth as I stride towards her, I grab her throat and pinning her against the wall with the pistol now aimed at her head.

"Your eyes" she choked as I squeezed harder. My eyes were bloodshot red as if I were on drugs due to the changes ripping through my body, my strength was only temporary whilst I was adjusting. We both knew it.

"I should've let Masky kill you" I gritted pulling her to me and then pushed her back to the wall hitting her head hard against it.

"You should've" she muttered "I wasn't going to let it go... they were my family"

"AND LIU IS want to hurt Jeff by getting him? That was a very Very foolish thing to do! You didn't want to face Jeff yourself? Coward"

"I did what I had to! just let me go and I'll never come back!" She pleaded.

"Even if Liu makes it out alive, I'll make sure you don't" I threaten "you've managed to slip your way through the guys without being seen...but if you ever faced them in person they could've finished you off years ago..."

"You became like them! You actually did it" she shook her head lightly in disbelief

"I wouldn't have if the person who means the world to me wasn't lying in his bed with his throat slit open!" I raised my voice in anger.

"Then do it" she bluffed "this past year you've judged and went on and on about how you can't hurt people...but you killed your'll have no problem killing me right?"

It was a pathetic attempt to try and throw me didn't work.

I take a step away from her as I squeezed the trigger and a bullet tore through her stomach. She curled onto the floor with pain.

"It was THIS EASY for them the whole time! All you had to do was show your face and they would've ended you in seconds! All the trouble and drama wasted on you for nothing. What I did to get you a new life was for nothing. I went against their way of living for nothing. When it was right in front of me this whole time...I should've took the offer to become them when I had It and now Liu is going to pay!"

"I didn't want to hurt you" she panted trying to breathe "just Jeff...the way...he hurt me"

"If it was anyone else who found you here they wouldn't kill you..." I crouch down in front of her. "they'd hold you down in that basement for the rest of your life making it nothing but torture. Maybe I should let them. Maybe Jeff would be happy to love you a matching smile with mummy and daddy"

"No! You heartless bitch!" She begged "I should've finished you off in your bedroom when you were a pathetic piece of shit!"

"Just keep talking" I sigh in annoyance grit as I stand up and pull her up with me.

"I need to see Jeff hurt" she grunted in desperation "I need my revenge!" She yelled in pain holding her stomach

"What you need is to pay" I tell her as I grabbed her knife off the table and held it inches away from her eye making me let out a small chuckle "this seems familiar"

I let her drop back to the floor.
Slenders blood made me feel different... sadistic and stronger. I unload the rest of the clip into her chest without a single change in my blank expression.

Minutes of silence passed by as blood oozed onto the floor. I couldn't help but stare at her realising I actually killed her.


I sat in her garden for a while, surprised that no one heard the shots, or just decided to plain ignore them.
The adrenaline left my body and I didn't have the courage to go back. What if they didn't succeed? What if Liu is dead for sure?

I don't regret what I did... I just wish it didn't have to end this way... but the best thing is for her to be with her family and have everything be done with.

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