Chapter 10- Updated

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"Wait. So you're telling me that I should talk back to them?" I ask Liu as we wondered through the busy street market. "I did that yesterday with masky and look at what happened"

"I didn't realise how hard it was going to be... I'm just thankful Jack came along when he did"

"Yeah" I look down, thinking back on it has made me feel so weak and powerless. 

"You may not be able to overpower them physically, but you can with words" he smirked

"Words?" I cocked your eyebrow

"They are going to confront you at times. Especially Masky. He wants to intimidate you, see you break. He thrives off of that. All of them do."

"Liu, I seriously don't get why you live with those people if they're so dangerous and that they...kill!" I whispered the last part

"I told you they took me in, and if you be patient with them you'll learn why too" he nudged me slightly "the next time Masky snaps at you. Snap. Back. If you're defending yourself, they'll respect you for that."

"Again. I don't think it's worth the risk of being choked." I huff.

"That won't happen again" he assured

We came to a stop in front of a food stall and I looked to Liu hoping he'd let me order. He gave a nod and I turn to the man behind the stall with a wide grin ready to order but before I could get a word in I was immediately pulled away by Liu. We stand beside a wall out of sight of the busy market crowd.

"What are you doing?" I ask him with a frown.

"It's Jane" he gritted holding my arm to ensure i stand firm against the wall "why the hell is she out here?"

"I don't see her" I tell him trying to peer around the corner.

"That's because I'm right here" a voice sung from behind us. We simultaneously turn our heads to the source as Liu swiftly pulls me behind him. "Nice to see you again~"

I couldn't help but glare daggers towards the female as my hand gripped Liu's shoulder as he continued to guard me.
"Watch yourself" she warned "watch that face you're pulling Y/n. I wouldn't be so rude"

"I'm separated from my family because of you" I muttered.

"You looking at me like that? That's so brave, unlike when we first met you were trembling, but I guess that's because you have your boyfriend with you now. Liu...have you decided? Will you help me?"

"No Jane. It will always be no"

"But you and your friend here can be safe with me, you can live a good life, at least better than what you're living now. Get revenge on your brother, save your sanity before you turn into one of them freaks"

"They're NOT freaks!" He gritted "one reason I will always be on their side is that at least they stick by their morales and rules. Good or bad.
You go against yours whenever it suits you best, such as threatening Y/n who never had anything to do with this. You can change at any moment and that's why I feel safer with them. I know who they really are."

"I can change your mind" she giggled "I'll just have to keep stalking the stalker"

"What does she mean, stalker?" I repeat looking up at him

"Ignore her" Liu spoke quickly glancing at me and back at her. Shaking her comment off.

"Can't you fight her?" I whisper to him

"She's strong... and we're in public. She found us here on purpose so we couldn't fight" he told me keeping his eyes on her

"Bye bye for now" she sung "it was good catching up" she gave a small wave as she walked off

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