Chapter 20- Updated

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I stood there, in middle of the empty room, no furniture, no light, no nothing. The tall faceless figure stood still in the corner of the room. I felt my regret sink in realising I was now alone with this creature.

"You're brave...quite an intriguing soul"

His voice rang through my head, only a little pain was felt compared to what I went though last time.
"I don't know what you are" I stuttered as I approached him slowly"but when I was mum saw you before"

"Any human who lays their mortal eyes upon me will die"

"Yeah...she did, she killed herself" I couldn't help but glare as I continued to think about it "she drew you before she died. She was driven into insanity...and I'm just standing here talking to you"

"You're lucky only standing here and talking to me!"

His voice boomed louder in my mind making me to grab my head. It was clear he wasn't going to talk anymore about my mother.

"Why do you want to keep me here? I get that if it was under any other circumstance then I'd be dead by now. Why do you think I can help in this feud that you're in."

"Jane doesn't harm innocents She it's a good chance she won't harm you as we can use it to her advantage"

"Hold on!" I retaliate "i was told i was only staying here to be protected not to put my life on the line for some creature that drove my own mother insane!"

"Then leave! And NEVER COME BACK!"

I hunch over as my ears rang violently.

"Count yourself lucky that I let you live today" He warned lowly.

Nothing was said as I looked up at the tall man...for a moment I wasn't scared...I was mother who was the kindest person in the whole world, is dead...because she looked at the thing I'm glaring at now. Now it just expects me to do as it wants?!


"Wait- I thought you said you decided to stay" Liu commented confused as he stood in his doorway. 

"Liu I'm sorry but I'm not allowed to stay here" I apologise as I pack my bag.

"What did you say?"

"I told him that I wasn't going to just take orders and help that thing out after it made my mother commit suicide and doesn't feel a damn thing about it " I zip up my bag after checking i had everything I needed.

"Hold on we can figure this out" he tried to assure me as I approached him at the door way.
"You know I managed to become friends with Ben and its the only thing I've managed to do here. Toby barely has anything to do with me, EJ doesn't care, Masky and Jeff hate me and I don't even know what hoodie thinks but I know he isn't very keen. I've tried my best and they haven't killed me yet so I think I'm leaving on good terms" I lightly push past Liu as we walked down the corridor "Besides, it's probably a good thing, I'm not sure about staying here where you all work for the thing that killed my mother, let alone living with it"

"Okay but do you remember the reason on why you had to stay here in the first place?"

"Jane won't hurt me Liu" I sigh frustrated as I stop and turn to him "I'm innocent right? Honestly the less I stay here the better image it gives off that I don't affiliate myself here so it's problem solved"

"Y/n" Liu began as we do tinier walking down the stairs "if slender man has told you that you have to leave then that means the others are under no obligation to protect you...if they see you again..."

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