Chapter 53- Updated

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My eyes slowly open to adjust to the dark room I was in. I look to see Masky sleeping surprisingly peacefully beside me. I checked the time on my phone and it read:

I noticed the plate of waffles and with my stomach growling I quietly ate them up.

I lie back down facing Masky as I pull the covers comfortably over myself. It wasn't long before I started to drift off to sleep again...

... I lean more comfortably into my pillow as a warm hand cupped my face gently. I was seconds away from my eyes betraying me and I see Masky who was also falling back to sleep.

I close my eyes unable to keep them open any longer to which I felt a pair of warm lips gently connect to mine.

My hand tiredly made it's way on top of his that was holding me.
He parted and his face was inches from mine but my eyes were closed as sleep had already taken me.


"Hey I'm sorry I fell asleep yesterday" I mentioned to Toby as I walked into the kitchen

"Don't worry about it" he gave an assuring smile. "How did you

"I hardly remember anything...I don't even remember eating the food you made me"

"I'm glad you had them at least"

"Thank you I appreciate it" I told him gratefully.

"How come you slept in maskys bed anyway?"

"I don't know" I shrugged "I just kind of do it"

"Hm... well whatever floats your boat I guess but remember what I said"

"It's not like that" I laugh feeling a little embarrassed "he's just surprisingly good company"

"That actually is surprising" Toby chuckled along as we left the kitchen. I felt a smile grow on my face as we see Masky standing at the bottom of the staircase.

"You don't you?" He asked me out of the blue.

"Remember what?" I ask confused.
Ive done what I've always done... I went to relax with Masky and we fell asleep.

He stayed silent as if a small rage had built inside of him.

"You good?" Jeff asked as he and Liu entered the room. He grabbed a lamp off of the small table next to him and smashed it onto the floor causing the others to flinch from the sudden action. I went to reach out for Masky as he left but I was held back by EJ before I accidentally step on any glass.

"Let him go" Jack told me "he's one of the most tempered ones out of us, anything could have set him off"

"Masky has his tantrums but that one just came outta nowhere" Jeff crossed his arms

"You okay Y/n?" Liu asked you as Jack walked away

"Yeah..." I answer concerned for masky.

The silence in the room was interrupted by my phone suddenly ringing.

"Hello?" I ask as I press the phone to my ear.

"I found him Y/n..."

"You what?!" I asked surprised "dad? You found him?!"

Jeff and Liu couldn't help but exchange concerned glances.

My brother let out a sigh, it wasn't a good one.
"Coke home for a big Y/n we need to talk" was all he replied with.
I ended the call and I pulled on a jacket.

"Nathan has asked me to go meet him" I tell them hurriedly as I leave them behind without another word.

After a tiring speed walk I meet him outside of our grandparents house, all three of them waited for me and the looks on their faces had all but a good look.
The hope I held had faded as I got closer and closer.

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