Chapter 59- Updated

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Another month has passed by and whilst the others are supportive and willing to help, things have been tense between me and Masky, EJ still avoided me when he could. However, I took the opportunity to confront him today.

"Jack" I call out running up to him as he was walking away from the house "can we talk?"

"What is it?" He asked as he continued walking.

"Well It's pretty obvious, why have you been avoiding me for so long?" I move in front of him making him stop. "are we not friends anymore? Do you hate me? What's going on?"


"I don't want excuses" I interrupt "I'm done. I just want everything back to how it was I just want answers!" I plead with him.

"I didn't avoid you because I didn't want too, I did it because I had too" he hesitantly began "I was protective of you back then and I still am now. But I can see that for whatever reason you feel something for Masky, with it being your first time when we did it I wanted to avoid you possibly getting feelings.
I know how much Masky likes you, even though I do too, I can see how much you like him back and I didn't want to get in the way of that. I had to make you detach somehow."

"Jesus Jack" I let out a worried sigh not knowing how to feel about the information I just received "you could've just told me..."

"I didn't want anything to form between us because it wouldn't work. Even though things between me and Masky won't be the same and some things will definitely still be tense, you two can still at least sort things out. The sooner the better because you're going to need all the support you can get, anything could happen to you"

He continued to walk off and I realised he was right. I did like Masky, even if I didn't realise it before I always somehow felt something towards him ever since he saved me.
Now I have Jack's words rather than Janes, confirming he does like me too.
He told you he was sticking around for me...he was mad that I waited until things went to shit to kiss him.

Whether I had questioned if I truly liked him before, it doesn't matter because at the end of the day it would be his bed I'd crawl into, it would be him who held me when I needed it...

I know we were friends but I always thought he just saw me as a burden most of the time...


"Are you okay?" Amanda asked  as I couldn't help but stare off into space.

"I'm fine" I answer looking back at her. We sat outside a small desert shop. It's been another month since my talk with Jack but I haven't seen Masky at all, nobody else knows where he is or how long he'll be but hoodie assured me not to worry as he can look after himself.

"I'm glad we've settled things between us" she spoke up as she crossed one leg over the other "since we've left college I've had a chance to mature and grow and I'm sorry for all of the tough times I've given you and Liu"

"It's fine" I wave it off "we've all changed"

"Right?" She lets out a small laugh "life is just full of surprises. I mean, I'm currently the manager at a store earning over 100 grand a year!"

"Wow" I exclaim surprised by her statement.

"I mean! Who would've thought! Amanda Arkensaw! Big time manager!" She exclaimed with excitement.

"Well, I'm really happy for you" I tell her as she couldn't help but smile at my statement.

"I have to get going" she stood up "I still have a lot of paperwork to go through before I go to work tomorrow"

"Sure thing" I stood up with her

"Maybe I can come by yours sometime?" She offered "have a night in and relax?"

"Uh, sure" looks like im going to have to visit my grandparents house with her.
She waved me off as she walked away. There was nothing else for me to do in town I decide to head home.

After a while of walking I felt exhausted and weak but let out a sigh of relief as I finally saw the cabin through the trees.

I finally head inside, ready to collapse on my bed I head upstairs and make my way through the hallway but I see maskys door wide open. Without hesitation I head inside to see it was empty.

"Masky?" I call his name in hopes he'd be here.
'he's not back...'

I quickly turn around as the bathroom door opened revealing Masky. His wore his signature mask, grey sweatpants and no shirt. His hair was wet as if he had just got out of the shower.

"What's the problem?" He asked with a sigh, yet slightly concerned hearing the exhaustion and desperation in my voice.

"What's the problem? You've been gone a month!" I spoke in disbelief.

"I was given a mission..." he averted his gaze.

"Maybe" I fold my arms "but I think you were a little too keen to go... look I spoke to EJ and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner! And I'm sorry about this whole mess we're in but I need you! Hoodie thinks he can help me but I feel my strength slipping more everyday and I don't think I'm going to make it" i tear up "I need you with me- but also, I want you with me! There was never anything between me and Jack and he made sure of that. What he told me was right, I've realised how much I may actually like you and if I do die then I want to die being yours... and then you won't have to deal with me anymore"

He walked up to me adjusting his mask to expose his lips as he kissed me hard, holding onto my waist firmly. I couldn't help but slither my arms around his neck as I kissed back.
He pulled away looking down at me.

"I never thought in my whole life that would say this but I don't think I'll ever be strong enough to continue without you anymore. I'd rather let the world burn than let it move forward without you"

A few tears couldn't help but escape and I quickly wiped them away before pulling him back in for another kiss.
It wasn't long until i was lowered gently onto his bed, his hand caressed my lower back as his hips rest against mine in between my legs.


I awoke as I let out a gentle stretch. I lean up and the bed covers fall onto my lap exposing my chest. I look around maskys room to see my clothes folded neatly at the bottom of the bed. I saw his mask on the bedside table realising he wasn't here.
'Is he gone?' I couldn't help but wonder feeling anxious.

My attention redirected to the bathroom door as Masky emerged from it wearing a simple shirt and grey sweatpants, his now dry hair hung just below his brows as walked around to me. My anxiety slipped away feeling nothing but happiness and relief in my chest seeing him.

"Your bath is ready" he told me as he put on his mask.

"My huh?" I ask confused

"Yes Y/n your bath" he nodded lowering his upper body  offering to help me up "see? I can be nice" he joked along trying to lighten my mood after seeing my drained, pale face and dark circled eyes.

His concern grew worse as he saw how much weaker I was getting.

Creepypasta x Reader (A New Beginning)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon