Chapter 45- Updated

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"Y/n..." A deep gentle voice echos through the abyss surrounding me "Y/n...I need you to you to wake up for a little bit"

The voice broke through to me and my eyes squint open to see a figure sitting on a chair beside the bed I was currently in.
"Jack?" I muttered weakly feeling an awful ache in my front and back. He helped to adjust the pillows so I could slightly sit up better.

"Try to take it easy" he said "you've been out for a few days, you could barely manage to keep your eyes open, this is the most awake I've seen you actually" he told me as he unscrewed the cap of a bottle of water.

"She tried to kill me..." I mutter feeling guilty, I tried to help her and offer her a place here, but she was too fixed on revenge.

"Just try to forget it" he told me.

'Why does everybody say that?' I thought to myself as I manage to drink some water with his help.

"Is she dead?" I look at him. He stayed quiet, not answering my question.

"I'd rather not say anything yet, focus on your rest."

"And the others?"

"They' know"

"is it just us?"

"Mhm" he nodded.

"Am In a nighty?" I ask a little surprised looking under the covers to see what I was wearing.

"Liu got you one a few days ago so you could be comfortable"

"I literally have nothing on underneath" I tell him embarrassed.

"I didn't look any more than I had to"

He leans over going to set my pillows down until I grab him

"This is really embarrassing...but...I need to use the toilet and...I need help getting to the bathroom" I mumbled.

"Alright" he nodded, he carefully helped me out of bed, every grunt of pain I let out he moved slower with me. He walked me to the bathroom and he helped to lower me on the toilet.

"I'll manage from here" I tell him red faced.
I felt lucky he wasn't bothered by this kind of stuff, but I was still embarrassed.

"I'll be outside" he told me as he shut the door.

I did my business and flushed the toilet. I used the wall to support myself as I got to the sink and washed my hands.

I look up in the mirror and gasp in fright as Jane stood behind me in the reflection.
Due to the strain on your wounds I fall to the floor clutching your stomach as you let out a painful scream.

Jack quickly came into the bathroom and kneeled next to me.
"Are you okay?" He asked concerned

"Jane, she was behind me! She was here!" I panicked, I couldn't think straight as my eyes darted around the room looking for her.

"Calm down she isn't here" Jack assured.
"you know id protect you if she were" He gently pulled me into him.
"Just breathe" He told me as his arm loosely hung around my shoulders.

Once I felt myself calm down after releasing she wasn't actually here he helped me up and back into bed, he tucked the covers over me.

"Get some rest, I'll need to replace your bandages later"

"Jack can you stay?" I ask him before he reached the door. "I don't want to be alone...I can't be...what if I see her again?"

"You won't" he assured as he sat on the edge of the bed next to me "But you're feeling paranoid it's understandable. I'll stay"

"Thank you" I mutter as I slightly shuffle closer to him "and thank you for saving my life"

"It was hoodie too, and the others for cooperating" he told you "now get some sleep, you need it"

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