Chapter 7- Updated

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"L-Liu" I stuttered "what- what did you say? Are you serious?!"

"Every single person you will meet in this house has their own horrific past that has led them up to who they are now. They never wanted things to turn out this way but it did...they were outcasts but slender...our boss- He took us in and got us all together so we weren't alone. We kill. That's the job. To help keep us under control. If we lose it we will all suffer and the town will suffer but we have no where else to go. Please Y/n, I know its disgusting and horrific and confusing to you right now, but I need you to know that they may threaten you and act out. They're just not used to having someone normal living here but trust me we're here to protect you until we deal with the situation. Once you get their trust they'll treat you as their own blood"

"Liu...You cant be seriously asking me to-"

"Please Y/n" he squeezed my hands in desperation. "They're not as bad as you think at first, just be patient and...get to know them"

"Get to know them?! You're making out like they're good people!" I panicked "i was alone with a killer last night!"

"They are good! To each outsiders? no they're not...but trust me we're no different from any other family households. We hangout, we laugh, we look after each other"

"Oh that's reassuring then! I guess we could all hang out downstairs and play monopoly together!" I shake my head "What you're asking of me is too much" I pulled my hands from his grip and turned my back to him

"Please Y/n" he wrapped his arms around your shoulders pulling you into a back hug "all I'm asking, is for you to try and understand them and eventually they will do it for you too" he slowly pulled back from the hug and I turn to face him

"What if they put me in danger?" I asked nervously

"They won't...they may act stupid, harsh and threatening at first but they need to get used to you, they're used to killing normal people not protecting me Y/n. If there were any other option for you I'd take it. But if it weren't for these people, I don't know where I'd be...or where you could've ended up the other night if Jeff wasn't there"

"Liu...I don't know" I crossed my arms anxiously

"Have I ever lied to you?" He asked

"No. other than this" I remarked

"Okay...but have I ever let you down? Or let anything bad happen to you?"

"No" I look down

" can you trust me?" His face was pleading.

"...fine...okay." I felt my breathing grow slightly heavier from the weight of the situation.

"all I'm asking is for you to give them a'll start to understand our world with'll learn how human they really are..."

"I hope they're human to begin with Liu, because murderers have already pushed the line" I tell him sternly

'I've always trusted Liu and he's never let me down...I know he'd never let me get hurt and if I'm in danger and possibly Liu himself then I need to trust him and try to get along with them...even if they are he said they've had horrific pasts...I haven't had the best life myself...I can't compare to them since they've turned into this... but they won't hurt me, I should go along with it and when the whole thing blows over I'll never have to see them again...'

After internally debating with myself I finally decided to give Liu an answer
"...okay, I'll do whatever you need me to do"

"Really?" He looked at me hopeful

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