Chapter 43- Updated

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"What is this place?" I grit in pain as she supported me, we were looking at the back of a house and it's dull, dead back garden. The lot was fenced with a short gate and Barb wire on the top.

"It's my home" Jane muttered as her grip stayed firm, she walked me forward with her. "It's just a small fence you can climb it"

"With a knife in my back?" I grunt in pain. Jane sighed in annoyance and used force knock some of it down.

"It will probably be my last night here anyway, no one will care about a fence" she mentioned moving me forward. Once we entered her home I saw some broken furniture, no light, dirty walls and even a rat scurry across the floor.

"They've been trying to renovate the place for a while now" she broke the silence sensing my judgement. "It's weird. The construction workers always seem to disappear..."
I didn't need to see her face to know the smug grin she held.

We stood in the dining room, looking at the burnt marks on the dusty table, old stained bloody chairs. Jane let's go of me and I fall to  my knees with a grunt.

"You guys seemed like a real family" she mentioned as she took in the sight of her home "playing, take peoples lives and you crush them...but you can still play together in the snow as if nothing ever happens"

I could hear a small hint of pain in her voice as memories flashed through her mind
"I wish I could do that" she mentioned looking down at me "...with my family"

"Jane..." I knew you couldn't say anything to help but my life was at risk, I had to say anything!

"Mine were killed...dead in this exact those exact chairs..."

"What happened?" I muttered weakly as my hand reached behind me and near the knife gently hoping to soothe the pain of the wound.

"I was taunted...tricked...i had a hopeless crush...I did nothing wrong...I only tried to help...but I saw disgusting smiles carved into their faces"


"I was also set on fire by that same guy... can you guess who yet?"

"You were one of Jeffs victims?" I ask her

"Not yet. I'm not a victim until I'm dead!" She spat as she held me up again.

"They'll accept you in their don't need to fight them...maybe you were meant-"

"I'm not meant to be one of them!" She interrupted harshly "would you be so willing to be with them if they killed your family?!"

"The slender man drove my mother to her death..." you mention with dullness in your tone. "My dad is missing...I don't even know if he's alive...but my brother and grandparents...they've helped me to protect them"

"Oh I'm so glad they spared some remaining members of your bloodline" she spat "they left shit for me!"

"You can still work things out!" I urge, she pulled me up harshly.

"They're too far gone" she gritted

She took me to a door as she opens it, she lets me go making your fall on my knees again. Behind the door I see a small set of stairs leading to the basement.
"Down you go" she placed her heel on my back and kicks me down the stairs.

I fell down the stairs and landed on my front letting out an agonising shriek in pain. I struggle to lift my head and I see Jane standing at the top.
"I'll be with you soon" she sung as she slammed the door shut, a loud bang erupted through the dark empty space, I grunt in pain as I flinch at the noise.

I knew there was no point in trying to move too much since the blade was still lodged in my back, if I make a mistake I could risk making it worse.
Jane was careful on where to stab, she wasn't planning on killing me or she would've done the job then and there.

I felt myself growing weaker and nauseous, as my muscles couldn't help but contract and throb in pain.


Hoodie PoV

"No no no!" Liu panicked "why?! Why is it always her?!" He searched around frantically looking for his friend. Hoodie stood and observed everyone spreading out and looking for Y/n, his bare hand lightly traced across the trees he passed as he inspected the area carefully.

"Did anyone hide together during the game?!" He called out to the others who were a distance away. He heard a reply of 'no' from each one of them

"Do you have something?" Liu asked as he jogged up to hoodie and eventually the others pile in.

"This must've been where she was hiding" he saw foot prints behind the tree where she was standing, however the current downfall of snow was starting to cover them "she was taken..."

"How do you know?" Toby asked as they all looked at hoodie

"Behind the tree....theres another set of footprints...they came from the direction of the woods, not from the house"

"...Jane" Jeff gritted.

Reader PoV

"Wakey wakey!" A voice called out as the door swung open and revealed the light down the stairs and separated me from the dark.

I open my eyes looking up to see Jane "they're almost here!" She spoke excitedly "So I just want to prep you" she told me as she sat on a step crossing her legs.

"What?" I mutter weakly, my voice was the sound of gravel.

"Just know that there are no hard feelings" she placed her hand on her chest. "My revenge is against Jeff only. If the others want to stick their neck out for him they'll get killed too. Just like you"

"Me?" My eyes widened.

"I said no hard feelings" she repeated with a tut "you were just the unfortunate being who crossed their path and got tainted... If I can't kill Jeff or any of those freaks myself I'll just kill the one thing they began to care about" she stood up walking towards me.

"I thought you don't kill innocents" I winced as she dug her heel into my back

"You're right...maybe I should go kill that little girl Jeff cares about so much...what's her name again? I know she's not so innocent"

"No" I argue growing angry over the thought of it "it's not her fault!"

"None of this is mine either!" she fought back "if it wasn't for Jeff, none of this would be happening"

"If you kill me...they'll kill you for sure..."

"I've suffered long enough, if I get an out I'll take you down with me and the parts of their being that actually cared about you. If they lose someone they care about like I have then that's more than enough"

She pulled me up to her knees as she yanked the knife out of my back, I scream out loud from the pain and I felt a sharp, stinging puncture in my lower abdomen.

"Y/N!" I heard a yell from the top of the stairs. My whole mind was blank as I glanced down at the knife that was lodged inside of me.
I couldn't say anything as I felt blood choking it's way up my throat.

"I'll see you in hell" she whispered.

They all reached the bottom in seconds, pouring in one after another as they charge Jane and pin her down.
EJ instantly ran over to me.


"It's okay" EJ kneels next to her, his left hand supported the back of her head as he positioned her to help clear her airway. He hurriedly identified her wounds not wanting to waste any time.

She's not like them, she or any other person can't just walk away from this like they can, he isn't used to treating normal people. How was he going to be able to help her?

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