Chapter 4- Updated

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"Liu! What the hell was that?" I ask him in disbelief. He had taken me outside to get some fresh air but I wasn't in any clear headspace.

"Well a simple way to put it is you met a friend of mine"

"What? No, seriously?! That man with the freaky mask who BROKE into my home is YOUR friend?!" I grew weary not believing a word that came out of his mouth.

"Well...i live with him and some others...I know it's strange but-"

"You consider HIM a friend to you? And you live with him?! And more like him? What kind of freaks do you hang out with?!"

"Please don't say that" he creased his brows a little disheartened.

"Do you even understand what happened to me? How scared I was? How much I feared for my life as well as my grandparents?! All I thought about was how I was never even going to see my brother again!"

"Jack was just trying to help you, I would never have let him harm you" he assured with a calm town as he understood my frustrations and fears.

"Then what the hell is up with that girl?! She threatened me and told me to stay away from you, otherwise she'd kill me if I become like you! What's wrong with you exactly? And why am I involved?!"

He was looking at me, not saying a word, it was clear he was troubled as he took off his striped black and white scarf and wrapped it carefully around me. 

"I'm sorry I didn't get to you in time...I wanted to keep you away from all of this...Jane doesn't like to hurt innocent people but if she thinks you're with us then you're in danger...I have no right to do this to you...and it'll definitely make things more complicated...but I think this is for the just for the time being...for you and your grandparents safety...come live with me"

"Liu you still haven't told me what the hell is going on..." I tell him as my frustration started to leave, I was growing wobbly from all the adrenaline I had experienced. "I'm not going anywhere with you until you start talking" I fold my arms.

"Well as you could say I share a cabin with other people, like roommates in a sense...the guy who saved you from Mr.Gibbs is my real brother by blood though... but no one else is... and that cabin is run by a...a boss I could call him"

"A...boss? Like a landlord or something?" I ask confused

"Yeah" he glanced away from my gaze as he sounded unsure "we can go with that but it's best I don't go into more detail about him though"

I couldn't help but feel worried to him "Is he kind to you?"

"No one was at first...but it didn't take long for us to become close"

"Liu this is a lot to take in, how many lies have you been keeping from me?" I ask him feeling betrayed.

"A lot Y/n... what happened to you tonight is why I've been keeping things from you, so you don't get involved in these type of problems that could endanger you or your family. I didn't do good enough and although Jane doesnt like to hurt innocent people, she will hurt those who are thought to be 'with' us, I've messed up once letting her get near you and I'm not taking anymore chances with you in her sights" his voice grew more stern as he continued to give orders, he was fearing for mu life and it left me with an unnerving feeling in my chest.


I decided not to fight Liu on this decision as he assured me my grandparents will be safer if I wasn't here. I'll do anything to keep them safe.

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