17- its a shame i cant kill you at the moment..

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(this was rushed, ill edit it later! sorry!)

to be perfectly honest, im more than positive that bucciarati could handle any extra trouble on the train, but unfortunately im being payed-actually bribed - to protect him and his team as they escort the bosses daughter.

i however find myself blessed to do the job with a childish stand, one that probably wouldnt be capable of hurting a fly if it werent for me forcing it. it seems to like more quick approaches, when asked about violence, (even though it tends to avoid the subject).

during your conversation, [Mr. Fear] quietly mentioned i can hide myself in my bells while jacklyn was talking, to which i was excited by. sadly, i dont have much time to test fire this new ability like i did when i learned about my leeches, so the best course of action is to just have him do his best so i can see how this works.

with jacklyn now out of the cab i was in, i could finally question my stand on how to work my new ability. "Mr Fear, if you would please come out, could you explain how i may hide in my weapons?"

the familiar jester-like mask i had slowly grown used to manifested into the air, followed by the fluffy black hair and torn straitjacket outfit. "slam the bell against you in a swoop motion, like youre hitting a tennis ball with a racket."

i nodded, unclipping a bell from my hip and driving it up my body until it was at my shoulder. i didnt budge. "nothings happening.."

"faster, you have to do it faster! swing it like youre hitting bucciarati!" its small voice cheered.

ah, if that didnt give me a much clearer idea of what to do! swiping the bell harshly through the air, i could feel my body being pulled into the thin slit of the metal ball, clothes, skin, and body all being shrunk till i was about the size of that formaggio guy, maybe even smaller. "i feel almost as if.. im falling?"

while i could see my feet planted firmly on the metal ground, i could also feel the butterflies in my stomach swirl around in a panic as my head grew light. "its alright, master! its just a side effect from being in the bell where your leeches are. ah, and before i forget, you can also travel between different bells within a 85 meter range. in addition to that, when around any bells within that range, you can hear whats going on around them, like conversations and such."

while my stand may sound and have the initial personality of a ten year old, it certainly didnt strike me as something that would have the same grasp of understanding like myself. "so i really can appear where jacklyn throws the bell i gave him?"

"that is correct, yes! make sure you listen to audio cues so you know when to appear!"

i remained silent, trying to see if i could even hear anything at the moment inside this bell making me sick in the stomach. god, just being in here makes me dizzy- are those footsteps i hear? theres mumbling, too! ah, how strange this is!

it would be beneficial if i had enough bells to put in every area of the large house im being held captive in, in order to gather intel i could use against passione. back to what i hear inside this bell, i could make out jacklyn mumbling something to himself, his heavy platforms almost completely blurring his voice from earshot with how loud they were.

"i can- can do it, i just gotta throw the bell at one person and then apprehend the other.. its easy... its just a simple task......"

he seemed rather nervous, and as i moved deeper inside my bell in order to hear better, i happened to accidently trip over the tiny ball that made the jingling sounds, causing my to fall face first into the metal.

even more curious i found myself, lifting my face to find that i was now inside the bell clutched in jacklyns hand! the instrument i was once in was left in the last train car, and i now keep myself hidden in the palm of an oblivious zombie set on only clearing my orders!

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