26- one last problem

634 53 133

tehe, so uh besties

im giving yall TWO ENDINGS



(maybe three)


also ahah-

you guys might not like me for either one but oh well--

also its late at night here and im drowsy, so i apologize for incorrect spelling/bad grammar


[Killing Me Softly] had returned.

however, i can't bring it out just yet. i just need to keep my body numb and fight off [Mr. Fear] from the inside-- since obviously, if i bring it out, doppio will see it and start a whole string of questions that i'd rather not answer.

as i clung onto the aforementioned man like he was my life source, a strange thought rushed into my mind-- hypothetically, if we were to get together at some point, would i ever have the guts to tell him i was morte?

i mean, you're supposed to be honest and open in a relationship with someone you trust, right? i'd have to tell him at some point...

no, not yet, im not done being morte. im not done playing pretend. i have one final mission i have to do.

what alessia, or at least i hope that was alessia, said was true-- bucciarati and his men were ordered to get rid of traitors just like everyone else in the mob had been; just like i had been. it was a rule, and it was a rule they followed. however, they were still to blame for what happened, which leaves me with unfinished business.

yes, all my hate has left my body in a fleeting sensation, but i still feel somber. empty, even. 

even if i didnt, ive already agreed to help diavolo get rid of bucciarati and his crew, so it's a lose-lose situation... or i guess a win-win?

either way, im going to make sure those assholes get what they deserve, forgiven or not.

"are you feeling any better? can you tell me what happened?" i heard doppio say with a hesitant voice. 

"i-i dont want to talk about it, it was just a nightmare..." like fuck it was.

"are you sure? we're kinda... a thing, i guess, so you can tell me anything."

so we're a couple now? who the hell said that?

"i know i can, but i just dont want to talk about it right now, doppio..."

i could see the worry cloud his normally joyous face, and could feel the way his hands subconsciously tightened their grip on my back. my body could practically engulf him, swallow him up from sight due to his small size. goodness, what a tiny thing he is... i could probably crush him if im not careful.

"if you dont fucking let go of me right now, i'll break your arms." a new, familiar voice growled in my ear. 

instantly, i peeled away from what was once doppio, and smiled directly into the green pinpricks of a pink-haired whore. "bestie! hi again!"

"don't you 'bestie' me, we aren't on that level." diavolo snapped, still in the body of doppio. "doppio may be here to keep you safe, but im here to remind you of your job. dont forget what was asked of you, (y/n)."

"of course~! you want me to get rid of bruno and his gang of idiots, yeah?"

"i dont believe i need to confirm that. it should be obvious."

How to Hide a Body (doppio x killer!gn!reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon