1- how to hide a body

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to be honest, ive never thought that killing would be my forte, but then again i never expected it to be so... entertaining. relishing in the screams of both the innocent and the cruel, i commit murder about three times a week. i dont have the time to deliberately seek out the evil and vile, to get rid of the sinners that the world would prefer me to get rid of, especially when i run a bakery on my free time.

normally, i would run my bakery in the day then go on my killing spree during the night, but today has just had a rather large number of people come in, which would most likely delay the time i get off work by an hour or so. though i dont have the time to individually pick off the people the world would be better off without, i do have the time to stalk my targets to find the best window to kill them in.

and, by pure luck, my current target just so happened to have just walked into my little bakery. putting on the best fake smile i could muster, i watched as my target scurried around the displays, hazel eyes glazing over each treat i offered. ah, yes, i had once again targeted another member of passione.

if i were to be honest, ive killing off mafia members for about two months now, and the boss either doesnt know or doesnt care since there hasnt been anyone sent out to kill me. i leaned forward on the counter, watching my target with observant eyes. what kind of food does he like? does he have a preference of sugar? does he have a lethal allergy? these are the things im eager to know about my target, doppio vinegar.

you know, he would've been dead by now, as ive already tried multiple times to kill him. he seems to have a premonition ability, since he's managed to avoid any set up ive made time after time. longer than any other, ive stalked doppio for months, trying to gather what little information i could, only to come up with the most minimal of information.

under the identity of morte noscosta, which means 'hidden death', ive tracked doppio down almost all around italy, almost getting caught twice. ive never risked so much over a single target, but im not about to give up now, not when im so close to discovering his weakness. 

befriending the pink haired man may be a good bet, getting close to him to find his weak points... but it also may lead to me being discovered as well. i dont see many other options, other than outright trying to kill him here and now while he's vulnerable in my range. though, i cant do that, there are too many witnesses and ill break my alias of a sweet, lonely little baker.

shifting my conflicting thoughts to the back of my head, i continued to observe doppio, who had began to look at the cupcakes on the bottom shelf. growing increasingly frustrated with his slow decision, i tightened my apron and walked over to the opposite of where he stood, looking over the display case. "you know, i really recommend the double chocolate cupcake. it has a creamy, sweet flavor with chunks of chocolate hidden in the icing." i suggested, leaning over the counter.

doppio looked up at me with an acknowledging stare before looking back down at the options, scanning through them as if he were looking for anything out of the ordinary. he may have been a regular here, but he never made a reoccurring choice, not even buying the same muffin two times in a row. it perplexed me, the question of whether he was being careful or just experimental plaguing my mind. though, it is true that i poisoned the cake pop i was sure he was going to eat, only to watch him order a strawberry muffin in vain.

tonight, though, will be my first actual attempt at facing him for the kill. as ive mentioned before, ive already killed many, many other mafia members, the only difference with this one is that he may be able to predict my moves. another moment of silence passed, doppio continuing to look at the variety of sweet treats i offered.

if i had to be honest, i would say that doppio must have grown a liking to me, since he would normally start a conversation about how my day was, or complain to me about vaguely described events going on in his life. however, today he seemed to have some sort of issue, or thought clouding his normally cheery mood. i was less concerned and more curious, as i grow interested when my targets have an out of the ordinary mood. "say, what's on your mind?" i asked, hoping for a real answer and not one that would put another block in the road.

doppios brown hues flicked up at me, his sour mood slightly shifting to a calm one. "i just have a lot of things going on right now."

i tilted my head, trying to push back the urge to scream at his lack of information. "mind telling me what's troubling you?"

"it's kind of personal, but thanks for asking anyway.." he hummed, standing up to face me. "i think i'll have the dark chocolate cheesecake today."

i nodded, leaning behind the counter and pulling out his requested order with a chuckle. "no muffin? wow doppio, you truly have a wide palette."

"you gotta try something new every now and again, you know?"

oh, doppio, how right you are. speaking of trying something new, i think i might actually have to befriend him, because one way or another...

im going to kill doppio.

How to Hide a Body (doppio x killer!gn!reader)Where stories live. Discover now