4- Mr. FEAR

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as i traveled with narancia back to the vineyard, all i could think about was doppio and what he could possibly be doing. was he watching me right now? is he handling a mission? is someone else trying to kill him? no, i wont allow that, hes my target and ive wasted too much energy to let him die by another hand.

when i arrived at the vineyard with narancia, i got the welcome i was expecting to get. mista had nearly done a double take at my appearance, shouting: "what the hell is morte doing here!"

i thanked whatever god is up there that i was disguised, because otherwise bucciarati wouldve pounced on me rather than bow respectively. i held back a chuckle at his attempts to please me, wanting to tell him that he was bowing to the very person he failed to kill a year ago. "why, hello everyone!" i chirped, all heads turned towards me faster than the speed of light.

many of them had their stands out and ready to attack, only to stare in confusion when bruno stood in front of me, shielding me from any possible attacks. "dont be alarmed, they're here to help us."

a girl with pink hair stared at me, scowling. "a murderer? helping us? bullshit!"

i assumed she mustve been the bosses daughter, as she was the only female in the group. wanting to bring their guard down, i pushed pass bucciarati, standing in front of the girl menacingly. no one dared to intervene, knowing fully aware bucciarati wouldve done something if he knew i planned to harm the girl. she shrank under my stare, growing more and more vulnerable by the second. 

"we're all killers." i spat, tilting my chin up. "we've all killed a part of ourselves to survive. we've all got blood on our hands. something somewhere in this world had to die so we could stay alive, am i wrong?" 

the girl trembled, nodding her head meekly. "good, glad you understand where im coming from. now, if you'll excuse me, i have to make sure you all get your mission done as planned, for that is why im here." i finished, sharply turning around to face bucciarati.

it took everything in my power to stop myself from slicing him open, tearing him apart right where he stood. i wanted to scream from frustration, biting my lip under my mask in a weak attempt to prevent myself from doing so. he seemed so happy, smiling at me with a warm grin that could melt the heart of any person foolish enough to fall for it. he was so oblivious, so... open, vulnerable.

i had to get out of there before i actually considered killing him on the spot. "well, i have a little errand i have to run real quick. ill meet you all at your next destination.. or maybe somewhere after the fact."

not waiting to hear anyones questions, i left the scene, only turning back around once i was on top of a building a little ways off. almost right after i left, the team had filed out of the area, walking to a car nearby. something felt off to me, though. a little golden haired boy in a pink suit appeared into my sight, someone i hadnt noticed before.

something didnt sit right with me about him, which was unusual because i normally dont give a single fuck about anything or anyone other than my current targets... which reminded me, i should take this chance to check up on doppio, see where he is and if there's an opening for me to kill him. 

as i used my wire to swing from building top to building top in search of doppio, the realization hit me that i wont be able to use my stand around bucciarati and his gang, seeing as how they associate [killing me softly] with (y/n), who they believe must be dead. now, i dont want to admit it, but i may need some help from an old friend of mine, someone i wish would just jump off a cliff with thousands of dynamite attached to them... you know, in a friendly way.

cruella toak, who is usually found in bars across random parts of italy, is able to change a stand and its abilities permanently, though it will still be tailored to your personality and such. i only hope im able to find her before nightfall, because i still need to take the bodies out of my bakery, catch up with doppio, and protect the fucking shit for brains bucciarati and his team.

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