23- tough love

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good lord, i feel like i just got the wind knocked out of me. 'i love you' ? what in the goddamn hell-

"really? you really do?" doppio squealed, eyes glittering like fine gems.

absolutely not you disgusting bastard. "i-i do, honest! but its alright, if you dont reciprocate, im totally cool with being just friends-"

if actions speak louder than words, then doppio would probably be fucking screaming. why, you ask? well, because i was pulled in for an unexpected kiss, and one that i terribly didn't enjoy. 

when you think about it, doppio and diavolo practically share the same body, so i guess that means im also kinda kissing him, too. gross.

BUT-! getting him mad is one of my favorite things to do. that, or making him embarrassed, so i at least ought to pretend to like this if im going to get a good reaction. plus, if im going to keep doppio convinced that i've fallen for him, which i haven't, then i just need to play along, no matter how disgusted i am.

after a moment of feeling like absolute garbage for even making out with this twink, i attempted to back away and give myself some space for obvious reasons. unfortunately, i was tugged back by my waist and forced against his body again, the same lips that were once planted against my own now biting at my neck.

come on, bitch, we're not about to fuck in front of abbacchios corpse, are we? like can you save this for later?

"d-doppio, let's just get going, yeah? we don't want to be spotted next to a dead body by anyone." i stammered, inching away from him subtly.

"master, fugo has been confronted by bucciarati and narancia. permission to pull him out of the situation? nod if you confirm.

 [Mr. Fear] whispered in my head, it's child-like voice echoing in my minds silence.

this definitely wasn't good. i cant have fugo remaining over there for long, else he'll probably swap sides and snitch on my ass.

 after successfully having pried doppio off of me, i nodded my head and gave permission for my stand to do its thing-- and not even a moment later did i hear a shriek of freight come from where bucciarati and narancia were.

im unsure of what my stand could've done, but whatever it happened to be, i was thankful for it, seeing as how doppio was now on high-alert and no longer paying attention to me.

it would be beneficial to both of us if we are to leave right now, and i assume he's realized the same thing, since im now being dragged far from the scene of the crime and off into the shadow.

up on the cliff remained jacklyn, watching this all unfold with a sharp eye. i trusted him, however slightly, and knew that he didn't have enough information about me to use the knowledge of my appearance against me in any manner.

a quick signal was given to him before i disappeared from his sight, and soon enough, he was no longer on the cliff. 

im unaware about the current stare of both bruno and narancia, but in this moment, i really dont care much. they could be alive, they could be in pain, they could be dead-- though i know fugo doesn't have the guts to hurt them much.

as far as i know, my stand hasn't hurt them, either, else i would've felt it. speaking of feeling shit, i began to take note of some sort of worm, or leech, slithering up my arm in the most grotesque fashion. most likely, it was the latter.

it writhed and squirmed around beneath my skin, and as much as i wanted to scream, i knew i couldn't with doppio next to me. he was leading me by the hand, too, and i prayed he couldn't feel whatever this thing was run through my fingers.

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