5- A lead-lined treat

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(its my first time doing a gender neutral reader, so please let me know if i slip up on something and ill correct it immediately! i might accidentally use she/her or he/him pronouns out of habit, so let me know when that happens it so i can edit it right away! i want to make everyone comfortable and not make anybody displeased, so dont hesitate to tell me if i mess up!)

the search for doppio was a long one, spanning over three hours. eventually, i managed to find him doing what seemed to be a delivery job, entering a rather strange house with his iconic suitcase in hand. something didnt sit right with me about all of this, the feeling of being watched creeping up my spine like a spider on a web. i had not much to worry about, as my face was covered completely, making me unrecognizable to anyone and everyone.

perched patiently in a tree nearby, i waited however long it took doppio to make his transaction, which happened to be a solid fifteen minutes. after that time passed, he left the building with a stern look on his face, how adorable! he seemed to be concentrated, looking around for something in the relative area. oh-ho~! i could pounce on top of him right now and jut rip out his insides this very moment! though, i suppose this would be a bad idea, since he does have precognitive powers..

ill have to find him in a state when he is weakened significantly, or maybe overly vulnerable. of course, only weakened by my hand, as i wouldn't let anyone else get the chance to kill my doppio. thats my job.

unsuccessful in finding whatever it was he was searching for, little doppio trekked down the street to another location, briefly popping open his suitcase to pull out the apple sucker i had given him earlier. ah- fuck! i completely forgot about the bakery! all my sweets will spoil if i dont go put them away properly! judging by the way he's heading, i can only deduce that he's walking to my little bakery again, which isnt fucking good in the slightest.

sure, this gives me the opportunity to interact with him again, but i now have only a small window of time to undress myself from my disguise, dress into bakery clothing, remove my black makeup, and get rid of the bodies that have by no doubt stunk up my shop. if im unable to get rid of the corpses before doppio arrives, ill just make up a random excuse and hope it works.

sadly, i cannot reveal myself to him yet as i dont want him to put two and two together and discover that morte noscosta is actually the sweet little baker he visits. that'd just be terrible.

not only that, but he'd most likely never go near my bakery again, destroying my chance of poisoning him! even then, he'd most likely avoid me all together, making my chances of killing him very slim. my best option at the moment would be to head in the other direction, then curve back around and make it to the cafe before he does.

this game of cat and mouse is taking an interesting turn..


i managed to make it back to the bakery with what i hope was twenty minutes to spare, quickly shrugging out of my disguise and throwing on my bakery uniform. simply doing it out of routine, i threw my outfit, mask, and hat inside the cupboard, beneath the pots and pans that i never use anyway. taking no time in ridding myself of the black paint around my eyes, i quickly began to drag the few bodies i had in my kitchen towards the back doors, as it wasnt really sanitary anyway. i let [mr. FEAR] do the dirtier bits of work, taking the bodies outside in dumpster bags and throwing them into the large garbage bins as if they were normal trash.

spraying the kitchen with air freshener to mask the stench of rotting flesh, i heard the bell to the door jingle, alerting me that someone had entered my bakery. panicking, i quickly set down my can of freshener and limped to the door, only noticing just now that i had injured my ankle due to the harsh landing i received through my quick swinging.

How to Hide a Body (doppio x killer!gn!reader)Where stories live. Discover now