bit of background info

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"some of yalls' birthstone be crystal meth and it really shows."

updates for this book will be slow until wild cards is finished. i promised a doppioxreader so here it is, i guess??

well, as always, lets get to talking about you, your killer persona, and your stand!


STAND NAME: [killing me softly]

STAND USER: (y/n) (l/n)/ morte noscosta (hidden death)


barbed whip (secondary ability): as the name suggests, the user can summon a link of barbed wire and use it as a whip, the coil being able to deal medium damage with the spikes. the user is able to do a plethora of things with this ability, such as use it as a grappling hook, have it catch things, and even use it as restraints. most times, the user uses the wire to swing from place to place, much like the stand [hermit purple].

static (main ability): [killing me softly] is able to make a static feeling spread through a limb, numbing it to the point that it will eventually fall off. if wished upon (and if there is enough energy), the user can spread the sleeping-limb feeling  to other areas of the body, which can only be the thighs, calves, feet, arms, and hands. 

helping hands: [killing me softly] has seven total hands, two of which are actually attached to its body. the other five hover around the stand, waiting for a command from the user. each of the five is made of glass, which had been stained red. they do not have any special abilities, as they can only do whatever ordinary hands are capable of. if shattered, it can take from one day to a full week to regenerate it.


[killing me softly] is a humanoid stand with no clear distinction of being a male or female. standing past 6 feet, this stand is completely made of glass, save for its tube tv head which is always on a static channel. it at first seems to have a normal glass human body, until you realize it has five red stained, glass hands that hover around it. it doesnt wear any clothes, though it prefers to hide in the shadows of its users outfits, waiting to strike on command. due to mortes murderous nature, they tend to stalk their targets before going in for the kill, opting to use a glass hand as a tracker. 

strength: b

potential: c

accuracy: a

speed: c

range: c


precision (helping hands): a

strength (helping hands): e

potential (helping hands): c

accuracy (helping hands): a

speed (helping hands): a

range (helping hands): b

hnnnngh, i wanna write a doppio x killer!gn!reader fic but im dummy thicc and the clapping of my ass cheeks keeps alerting new readers, hnnngrh

im so excited, im sorry if i accidently use 'she/her' in the fic, its my first time doing a gender neutral reader!

im doing a gn this time because i want guys, girls, and gender neutral people, and everyone else alike to be comfortable with reading my fics!

go drink some water or ill squeeze lighting bug juice into your eyelids

stay safe, love yourself, and goodnight!

~trash author

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