3- the little baker, the country killer

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"oh-ho~! a job opportunity you say?" i hummed, a smile hiding under my mask.

"yes," doppio groaned. "the boss wants your help, he'll even pay you."

my eyes lit up as i hopped up from my spot on the statue head. "money? woohoo! whats the job?!"

"well, i would appreciate it if you came down here so i can properly give you the details of the opportunity." doppio added, his voice a bit louder than before.

grumbling, i swung down from the statue, joining doppios side. he had a musky smell of lavender, a nice contrast to the normal smell men had. it was soothing almost, making me ache to just rip him open right here while he's in front of me. "well, doppio, what's the deal?"

doppio led me over to a small bench, sitting down next to me and clicking open his suitcase. "the boss is willing to excuse your killings of our members if you help us with a job a certain group has been tasked." he pulled out a small cream colored file, handing it to me reluctantly. "he's a bit skeptical about how their mission will go, even believing one of them is planning to betray the family. we want you to go undercover as a new recruit to make sure everything goes smoothly. part of your job will be eliminating anyone that gets in the way of their delivery, as well as kill any traitors in the group if any arise."

i nodded, believing this may be simple enough. i am upset that i may not see doppio for a while, since my information on him is still minimal.

"so," i yawned, stretching my arms above my head. "you want me to make sure a delivery goes smoothly, and kill off anything that gets in the way of that? and ill get paid for it?"

"you are correct."

i hesitated for a moment. the bakery could use some more money, and who doesnt like getting cash for doing what they love? but then again, there was the problem that i may not be able to study doppio for a while. "and where will you be in all of this?" i asked him, crossing my legs.

"observing you and doing side jobs the boss wants me to complete." doppio answered, popping a sucker i gave him at the bakery into his mouth.

it almost made me want to smile seeing him enjoy a treat i gave him, only to make me frown upon the realization that the sucker wouldn't kill him like i wanted it to. "well," i spat, trying to hide my anger. its not like he would know why im upset anyways, since i am trying to kill him. "who's team will i be protecting?"

"you'll be watching after bucciaratis group, helping them escort the bosses daughter to him."

i froze, my heart skipping so many beats to a point where i could be put in cardiac arrest. bruno bucciarati, the man that damn near killed me. this.... this would be a nice way of revenge, especially since i will be acting as morte noscosta and not the person he knew me as.

it was a simple misunderstanding, one that almost cost me my life. a delivery job, similar to this one now, one where the other person gave me fake money and ran. unable to catch up to him, i had ran to my house with the fake cash in attempt to figure out how to fix this mess. unfortunately, i was stopped by none other than the capo himself, asking me what i was intending to do with the mound of cash in the suitcase i had.

not listening to my honest explanation, bruno had labeled me as a traitor and almost killed me, my life being spared by narancia who just told him to let me bleed out on my own. that was the best mistake someone could ever make, because here i am, striking fear into italy as one of the most notorious killers, still alive and right under their nose as an innocent little baker.

i was fortunate enough that none of my ex-members had visited my bakery, since im sure they would attempt to kill me again, or at least make a mess of things. me and mista used to even be a thing, and in the end he sided with bucciarati against me. i really thought he had loved me, yet all our memories and fun times went to shit. now, i refuse to love again, predetermining that in the end, it would just be me against the world.

with a sick taste for revenge, i shook doppios hand. "im in, but to clarify, all traitors and people against passione are to be eliminated?"

"correct, the team has already left on their adventure and have been informed of your joining. bucciarati will be expecting you at the vineyard.." doppio answered, giving me the directions to the place i would meet my team at.

though i was upset that i would be distanced from doppio for a while, i knew we would meet up again soon enough...

and i couldnt wait for when that time came.


i used my barbed wire to get to my destination faster than a train, since i was eager to see how much bucciarati and the team had changed. the lengthy scar in my side was a constant reminder of what happened on that night, aching whenever i recalled the horror of it. pushing aside my unwelcome thoughts, i ended up deciding i would meet up with a member that had left a while back to retrieve some items for the bosses daughter, only to find the street they were on covered in fire.

flames licked at the buildings surrounding the mafioso, which just so happened to be little narancia, frantically looking around for something with [aerosmith] flying about. recalling that he most likely wont recognize me as (y/n), i skipped up to him. "hell~o there!"

he snapped his head towards me, his once anger filled eyes flooding with fear upon seeing my iconic skeleton mask. shakily pointing a finger at me, he stumbled backward, "y-you...youre.."

speaking for him, i put a hand on my chest. "my name is morte, morte noscosta. ive been sent here to help you!"

"help me?!" narancia stammered, his eyebrows furrowing. "youre a killer! a cold blooded serial killer!"

i nodded my head, lifting my body back up "and? your boss hired me to help you all. protect you, if you will."

"w-why would a killer like you want to help us?" he mumbled, [aerosmith] flying by his side.

"because, i need to get close to a certain someone to carry out a mission of my own, and this was the best way to do it. so, instead of being frightened, how about you tell me why the entire street is in flames?"

narancia seemed to have snapped out of his frightened daze, concentrating again as he looked around for something to pop up. "a bastard named formaggio attacked me, and after a while i lost track of him."

i stretched my arms, not really caring for whoever this formaggio guy was. "and-" i yawned. "and what does he do?"

a familiar orange lens flipped in front of narancias eyes, "he's able to make himself and others really small... which is why it's so hard to find him."

while he was speaking, a small running figure caught my eye, dashing through the flame as fire lapped against it. i caged the running figure in with my hand after squatting down, only to find out that this tiny thing was actually a person. looking back towards narancia, i had found that he still hadnt found this formaggio guy, who i assume was the person in my hand.

without a second thought, i crushed him between my fingers, ending his life in a split second. he didnt put up much of a fight, most likely already close to death from his fight with narancia. i was sure that he died, because the burnt and crushed man that was once in my hand began to grow to normal size, allowing me to see his mutilated body in full form.

his intestines had popped out of his body and his rib cage was crushed, probably from me squishing him between my fingers. "well, narancia.." i sighed, disappointed with the lack of resistance from formaggio. "i think we should just head back to the vineyard, yeah?"

narancia looked toward me, confusion written all over his face. "well.. how should i trust you? you did just come out of no where, claiming to be sent by the boss."

i slumped slightly, disappointed in having to put my reasoning in such a plain way. "if i wanted to kill you or any of your friends, i wouldve done it by now."

How to Hide a Body (doppio x killer!gn!reader)Where stories live. Discover now