8- suffer with me

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[mr. FEAR]: example

y/n: example

yes, mr fear will be talking!


at the moment, doppio was raiding my upstairs rooms for spare clothes and basic needs, such as my toothbrush, comb, and such. i remained sitting on the counter like a broken dog at the vet, swinging my legs as i thought of possible ways of escape. i could use [mr. FEAR]s tendrils to tightly wrap my ankle as if it were a splint so i can run... no, that wont work! im sure doppio would use that as evidence of me being morte!

i can already hear him now.. 'why would you run if there's nothing to hide, (y/n)?'

god- i just want to strangle him! i feel like he's just mocking me every time he meets my eyes! my fingers impatiently drummed against the marble i sat on, the scene of doppio pinning me onto the counter and leaving me no chance of escape making my heart pound against my chest. his hazel eyes had dug into my own, almost coaxing the truth out of my mouth without even trying.

ew- what am i even saying?! his mouth was so close to my own that im sure if i even spoke, we would've kissed! i wouldve kissed my target! it wouldnt be a first, but i definitely wouldn't like it! after all, i hate this strawberry pimp with a seething passion. kissing a target is like making out with a future corpse, if it makes any sense.

"hey!" i heard a voice yell from upstairs, making me grimace. "do you want your clown makeup? halloween is coming up soon!"

clown makeup? CLOWN MAKEUP? CL- "yes please! i'd be thankful if you put that in a bag somewhere!"

although i sounded upbeat and cheerful, i was about a minute away from burning this place to the ground with me in it. "is your foot feeling better?" doppio asked from the stairwell, walking into another room.

you know, if my foot was even feeling relatively better, i wouldve ran a long time ago. lesson learned, make sure that you land properly when using your stand, no matter how much of a rush youre in. "it still hurts a bit..."

"alright, i can just carry you to the car then!"

excuse me, what. "that's not necessary, im sure i can-"

"trust me, i dont mind! let me just drop off your bags first and then we can go!"

the next time i make a drink for you, itll be filled with pencil shavings. "alright then.."

his fruity voice made me feel strangely uptight in my chest, turning my hands somewhat fidgety simply by speaking. jeez- what is going on with me?! i think i might be getting sick, because now i cant even sit still. perhaps it's just cold in here, which makes me feel entitled to check my arms for goosebumps.

rolling up my sleeve, i nearly screamed upon what i found. no, i didnt find goosebumps on my arm, obviously. rather, i found that my wrist had been stained with an ink of some sort, which began to inch its way up the rest of my arm bit by bit. i could see the black inky substance begin to slither and writhe under my skin like some sort of parasite, making me almost tear up out of fear. you see, i have a terrible phobia of things literally getting under my skin, even splinters make me want to cry, ok? like- sir, you cant be there, get out.

i trembled, my fingers fumbling to pull the sleeve back down before i began crying. i bit my lip, the feeling of the black ink worm around my muscles making me choke out a small whimper. with no other choice but to just deal with it, i stared straight ahead into the void, shaking uncontrollably with fear.

How to Hide a Body (doppio x killer!gn!reader)Where stories live. Discover now